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Special Topics in Contemporary Theory

Offer semester
Lecture time
Lecture venue
Credits awarded

Unavailable this year


  • A ‘special topics’ course is offered to provide areas of study in addition to what is covered in courses regularly offered by the Department of Sociology. Special topics may involve cutting edge theory or practice, trialling innovative teaching pedagogies, or may be suggested by a faculty member. More details on the topics to be covered by this course in a specific semester can be found at

    This course is open to research postgraduate students.

    1. Identify and critically discuss the key concepts of the special area

    2. Appreciate history, context and role of specialist area

    3. Identify and critically discuss the major issues and debates of the specialist area

  • Tasks


    Essay, presentations and/or reflective journal, etc.


  • To be confirmed subject to the selected topic.

Offer Semester
Lecture Day
Lecture Time
Credits awarded
Unavailable this year
Course co-ordinator and teachers
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