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Theory and Practices in Sociological Inquiry: Conversations between Peking University and The University of Hong Kong

14 December 2024 at 1:00:00 am

As the second event of the long-term collaboration between the sociology departments at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and Peking University (PKU), this conference aims to bring together sociologists from PKU and HKU to discuss new challenges in sociological research. The conference will explore a wide range of topics, including methodological innovations, interdisciplinary approaches, and ethical considerations in doing sociological research. By launching a platform for exchange and collaboration, the conference seeks to strengthen the academic exchange between the two sociology departments at PKU and HKU and foster a deeper understanding of the evolving landscape of sociological research.

Theory and Practices in Sociological Inquiry: Conversations between Peking University and The University of Hong Kong

Date: 14 December 2024

Time: 9:00am – 6:20pm

Venue: Room 201, No. 5 Science Building, Peking University




Welcome Remarks and Keynote Speeches(In Putonghua)


Welcome Remarks

Feizhou Zhou, Department Head, Sociology Department, PKU


Keynote Speech 1:David Palmer (HKU)

Drawing Sociological Theory from the Daoist “Scripture on Supreme Peace”


Discussion 1


Keynote Speech 2:Zeqi Qiu (PKU)

Digitalization and the Era of Sociological Transformation


Discussion 2


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion 1 (In English)

Moderator: Geng Tian (PKU)


Paul Joosse (HKU)

The Concept that Went Viral: Using Machine Learning to Discover Charisma in the Wild


Mingming Wang (PKU)

Of the Composite Character of Culture


Feiyu Sun (PKU)

Self-control and Break down: The Social Construction of a Depression Case History


Lunch Break


Panel Discussion 2 (In Putonghua)

Moderator: Wen Fang (PKU)


Xiaoli Tian (HKU)

Rationalizing the Work Process: Work Context and the Use of E-work Apps in China


Huilin Lu (PKU)

South Jiangsu Model Relaunch: Exploration of Social Formation in China's Developed Areas


Wen Xie (PKU)

Beyond Neoliberal Urbanism: Temporal Mismatch and Place Character in the Chinese Rust Belt


Liping Wang (PKU)

The Collective and the Individual in Jonesville: How was Collective Ethnography Possible?


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion 3 (In Putonghua)

Moderator: Wen Xie (PKU)


Peng Wang (HKU)

Extralegal Governance: The Social Order of Illegal Markets in China


Lisheng Zhang (PKU)

Collective Memories and Minjian Display: An Ethnographic View on Private Museums in China


Tianyu Qiao (PKU)

The Dynamic Process of Social Capital Transformation and the Emergence of E-commerce Diffusion Networks


Peng Ling (PKU)

Object Image, World Image and Qi Image: On the Relationship between Maps and Judgment in Traditional Chinese Litigation


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion 4 (In Putonghua)

Moderator: Tianyu Qiao (PKU)


Lai Wei (HKU)

Labor Market Transformation and Effective Immobility Maintenance in the United States


Jianxin Li (PKU)

From the Preston Curve to the Lutz Analysis Model-Analysis of Influencing Factors of Survival Time


Hao Zhou (PKU)

China's Migrant Population in the Context of Negative Population Growth


Xinguang Fan (PKU)

Migration Trajectories in the Family Life Cycle:A Life Course Perspective


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion 5 (In English)

Moderator: Xinguang Fan (PKU)


Gordon Brett (HKU)

American Sociology’s Interdisciplinary Impact: A Bibliometric Analysis of ASA Journals, 2000-2023


Isak Ladegaard (HKU)

How Digital Platforms Enable State-like administration of Shadowy Commerce


Tom McDonald (HKU)

Liquid Communities: NFT Platforms, Markets and Media


Chunni Zhang (PKU)

The Context Effect on General Trust among Chinese: Evidence from Survey Experiments


Concluding Remark

David Palmer, HKU

Geng Tian, PKU


Conference Dinner

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