Prof Travis S K Kong
3917 2055
9.17, 9/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

(1) Research and scholarship
My key research questions address who human beings are and how we are to live with a diversity of sexualities and genders in a rapidly changing world. Using people with non-normative (often stigmatized) identities and behaviours as examples, I examine how their lives are affected under specific historical and social circumstances with the ultimate aim of promoting their well-being and enhancing social inclusion. I have created a new path to understanding the complex interplay between socio-historical changes and individual lives, challenging Western-centric knowledge while building a transnational, cross-generational dialogue. My work has broad implications for identity, gender, sexuality, intimacy, family, community and health in today’s globalized world.
My research can be characterized as: (1) pioneering, in breaking cultural taboos, accessing hidden populations and foregrounding subject matter marginalized in the discipline of sociology; (2) methodologically significant, in combining qualitative empirical data with critical analysis to articulate the nuances of lived experiences to complement quantitative sociology’s overview of social patterns; (3) interdisciplinary, in seeking dialogue between mainstream sociology and other disciplines (e.g. cultural studies, criminology, medicine, public health) to understand human sexualities; and (4) impactful, in being action-oriented with strong community impact and significant policy implications for well-being and public health.
(1) Sociology of homosexuality: Building on my first book (Kong 2011a), I have drawn on and fully developed the notion of “generational sexualities” by examining older gay men in Hong Kong, work that serves as a model for studying ageing sexualities in Hong Kong and beyond (Kong 2012a, 2014b, 2019a) and enables cross-generational dialogue (Kong 2021a). I proposed a new theoretical approach, “transnational queer sociology” (Kong 2019c, 2020b), which allows transnational comparative cultural analysis of sexuality. My Duke book (Kong 2023b) combines these two strands in examining 90 life stories of young gay men in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China.
(2) Sociology of prostitution/sex work: Building on my earlier work on female (Kong and Zi Teng 2003; Kong 2006e) and male sex workers in Hong Kong (Kong 2005c, 2009a), I have pioneered sociological research on male sex workers (or “money boys”) in mainland China (Kong 2008, 2010a, 2011c, 2012c, 2012d, 2014a, 2017) and Hong Kong men who buy sex (Kong 2015b, 2015c, 2016a). I offer sociological insights that go beyond the public health paradigm by situating my research subjects in a broader social context, with policy implications for migration, public health and well-being.
(3) Sociology of praxis: I was the first sociologist in Hong Kong to transform an academic study of older gay men (Kong 2012a, 2014b, 2019a) into action research with strong societal impact (Kong 2018b): I founded Grey & Pride (2014-), the only NGO looking after the well-being of older LGBTQ citizens; my book (Kong 2014b) inspired the multi-award-winning movie Suk Suk (dir Ray Yeung 2019); and my work has put the concerns and rights of older LGBTQ onto the public agenda.
Editorship and editorial board membership
Co-editor-in-chief [with Feona Attwood and Roisin Ryan-Flood], Sexualities: Studies of Culture and Society (London: SAGE)
2012-present; international advisory editorial board member, 2009-2012.
*Established in 1998, Sexualities is the world’s leading journal on human sexualities using multidisciplinary, theory-driven, and research-based qualitative approaches within a global framework. It presents cutting-edge debates on both the empirical nature of contemporary sexualities and theoretical/critical analysis of them. My unique contribution is to promote research publications and dialogues that go beyond the UK-North America-Australasia intellectual region.
International Editorial Advisory Board Member, Families, Relationships, Societies, 2019-present
International Advisory Board Member, Sociology, 2016-2021
International Editorial Board Member, Journal of Sociology, 2014-2017
Editorial Board Member, Journal of Homosexuality, 2014-present
International Advisory Board Member, darkmatters, 2009-present
Advisory board member, Book series: Global Political Economies of Gender and Sexuality, edited by Nicki Smith, Adrienne Roberts and Juanita Elias, Roman & Littlefield, 2013-2021.
Advisory board member, Book series: Global Queer Politics, edited by Matthew Waites, David Paternotte and Jordi Diez, Palgrave, 2016-present
Senior advisory board member, Harrington Park Press, 2015-2017.
International advisory board member, Queer Asia Series, The Hong Kong University Press, 2020-.
(2) Teaching and Learning
My teaching philosophy is to be passionate about my teaching subjects and engage with students. Learning is for understanding, not for reproduction. Making use of my training in sociology and my research expertise in gender and sexuality, I emphasize a learner-centered approach that is interactive and multi-media based with a special focus on everyday life experiences in order to nurture critical thinking, appreciation of difference, integration of theory with practice, and creativity. As a recipient of the 2013 Social Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, I continue to play a leadership role in curriculum development and reform as well as promoting teaching excellence, innovations and experiential learning.
(3) Knowledge Exchange
I am committed to KE and social impact. I have served on NGOs and government bodies. My most recognised achievement in this area is my scholarly work on older gay men, which has had four major social impacts: (1) educating the LGBT+ community and general public; (2) empowering older LGBT+; (3) educating social service providers on the specific needs of older LGBT+; and (4) helping the government and private sector formulate non-discrimination initiatives/policies. I am regularly invited to give talks on, and am regularly interviewed about, issues relating to gender, sexuality and HIV/AIDS. Among the most recent and significant of these activities are:
Interviewed by Jonathan Van Ness in 2023 for the Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness podcast on homosexuality in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China:
Interviewed about older gay men on Boyscation (local mainstream television station TVB’s J2 channel) in 2022:
Regular speeches on stage at public LGBTQ events in Hong Kong, including PinkDot, Gay Pride and IDAHO/T.
University of Essex (UK)Gender and sexuality studies
Cultural and media studies
Contemporary social theory
Qualitative research methods
Kong, Travis S.K. PI, “Out to the Family: Changing Family Dynamics in Hong Kong after Gay Men’s Sexual Orientation Disclosure,” General Research Fund (2021-2024).
Kong, Travis S.K. Co-PI, “Pathways to Harm Reduction Drug Policy in Hong Kong and East & Southeast Asia: Principles, Process and Practices,” Research Impact Fund, PI: Karen Joe-Laidler (2022-2025).
Kong, Travis S.K. Co-I. “An Intersectional Lens on Drug use and Stigma among Hard-to-Reach Populations in Hong Kong,” General Research Fund, PI: Prof. Karen Laidler (2022-2024).
Kong, Travis S.K. PI. “A Study on Development and Utilisation of an Electronic Sex Diary to Measure HIV Behavioural Risk in Hong Kong,” Department of Health, HKSAR (2023-2025).
LGBT+ Advocacy award, Community Business (2020): Recognition of my leadership role in LGBTQ community in Hong Kong
Social Sciences Knowledge Exchange Award, HKU (2015): Recognition of my knowledge exchange project on older gay men in Hong Kong
Prism Award, Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (2014): Recognition of my long term service to and research on LGBTQ community in Hong Kong
HKU-Kings Fellowship, HKU (2013-2014): To explore research and teaching possibilities between the two institutions, resulting in a public talk and a photo exhibition in London in 2014.
Social Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award, HKU (2013): Recognition of my engaging, interactive and creative teaching methods and innovation with consistent high evaluation scores and positive students’ feedbacks.
Kaneko, H., and Travis S.K. Kong. In press. “East Asian Sexualities”. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, edited by Abbie Goldberg. London: SAGE.
Lee, Barry M.W., and Travis S.K. Kong. In press. “Doing Complex Intimacy in the Later Life of Chinese Gay Men in Hong Kong.” In Later Life Sex and Intimacy in the Majority World, edited by Krystal Nandini Ghisyawan, Debra A. Harley, Shanon Shah, and Paul Simpson. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press (Policy Press).
Kong, T.S.K. 2023a. “Disclosure as Family Practice: Changes in Hong Kong Family Dynamics after a Gay Son Comes Out.” Sociology Compass.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2023b. “Generational Masculinities: Two Generations of Chinese Gay Men in Hong Kong.” In Ageing, Men and Social Relations, edited by Paul Willis, Ilkka Pietilä, and Marjaana Seppänen, 35–50. Bristol: The Bristol University Press.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2023c. Sexuality and the Rise of China: The Post-1990s Gay Generation in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China. Durham: Duke University Press. (xviii, 237 pp.)
Kong, Travis S.K., and Arlene Stein, eds. 2023. Special Issue: Ken Plummer. Sexualities 26 (4).
Stein, Arlene and Travis S.K. Kong. 2023. “A Very Risky Queer Thing to Do: In Conversation with Ken Plummer.” Sexualities 26 (4): 419–42.
Lee, Barry M.W., and Travis S. K. Kong. 2022. “Toward Social Inclusion: Participatory Action Research (PAR) with Older Gay Men in Hong Kong.” In Handbook of Social Inclusion, Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences, edited by Pranee Liamputtong, 1645–61. Cham: Springer.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2021a. “Be a Responsible and Respectable Man: Two Generations of Chinese Gay Men Accomplishing Masculinity in Hong Kong.” Men and Masculinities 24 (1): 64–83.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2021b. “Interview with Professor Stevi Jackson.” Sexualities 24 (3): 491–511.
Kong, Travis S. K., Hsiao-wei Kuan, Sky H. L. Lau, and Sara L. Friedman. 2021. “LGBT Movements in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy, edited by D. Haider-Markel and C. Rimmerman. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Yau, A. C. H., and Travis S. K. Kong. 2021. “One Country, Two Men: The Making of Occupational Masculinities by Male-Male Sex Workers in Hong Kong and Mainland China.” In The Routledge Handbook of Male Sex Work, Culture and Society, edited by John Scott, Christian Grov, and Victor Minichiello, 555–570. London: Routledge.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2020a. “The Pursuit of Masculinity by Young Gay Men in Neoliberal Hong Kong and Shanghai.” Journal of Youth Studies 23 (8): 1004–21.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2020b. “Toward a Transnational Queer Sociology: Historical Formation of Tongzhi Identities and Cultures in Hong Kong and Taiwan (1980s-1990s) and China (Late 1990s-Early 2000s).” Journal of Homosexuality 69 (3): 474–98.
Kong, Travis S. K., and Karen Joe Laidler. 2020. “The Paradox for Chem-Fun and Gay Men: A Neoliberal Analysis of Drugs and HIV/AIDS Policies in Hong Kong.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 52 (1): 77–85.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2019a. Oral Histories of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong: Unspoken but Unforgotten. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (ix, 189 pp)
Kong, Travis S.K. 2019b. Review of Bao Hongwei (2018), Queer Comrades: Gay Identity and Tongzhi Activism in Postsocialist China. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, International Institute for Asian Studies, Newsletter, Summer 2019.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2019c. “Transnational Queer Sociological Analysis of Sexual Identity and Civic‐political Activism in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.” The British Journal of Sociology 70 (5): 1904–25.
Kong, Travis S. K., Sky H. L. Lau, and Amory H. W. Ho. 2019. “Tongzhi.” In Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History, edited by Howard Chiang, Anjali Arondekar, Marc Eppr1echt, Jennifer Evans, Ross G. Forman, and Hanadi Al-Samman. 1603–1609. Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2018a.《華人男同志跨地域研究》[Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy] (In Chinese). 香港:香港中文大學出版社 [Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press]. (xxxvi, 405 pp)
Kong, Travis S.K. 2018b. “Gay and Grey: Participatory Action Research in Hong Kong.” Qualitative Research 18 (3): 257–72.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2018c. “Tracking Gay and Lesbian/Queer Studies in Sexualities.” Sexualities 21 (8): 1216–23.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2017. “Sex and Work on the Move: Money Boys in Post-Socialist China.” Urban Studies 54 (3): 678–94.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2016a. “Buying Sex as Edgework: Hong Kong Male Clients in Commercial Sex.” British Journal of Criminology 56 (1): 105–22.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2016b. “The Sexual in Chinese Sociology: Homosexuality Studies in Contemporary China.” The Sociological Review 64 (3): 495–514.
Kong, Travis S. K., Sky H. L. Lau, and Eva C. Y. Li. 2016. “Sexual Cultures in Asia.” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer. London: Blackwell.
Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2015a. “導讀:身體政治與性/別再現” [Introduction: Body Politics and Gender/Sex] in 《性/別政治與本土起義》Gender/Sexual Politics in Hong Kong, edited by Wong Wai-ching 黃慧貞 and Choi Po King 蔡寶瓊, 130–136. Hong Kong: Commercial Press.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2015b. Purchasing Sex, Consuming Love? A Qualitative Study of Hong Kong Men Who Buy Sex. [Full report]. Centre for Criminology, The University of Hong Kong (online).
Kong, Travis S. K. 2015c. “Romancing the Boundary: Client Masculinities in the Chinese Sex Industry.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 17 (7): 810–24.
Kong, Travis S. K., Sky H. L. Lau, and Eva C. Y. Li. 2015. “The Fourth Wave? A Critical Reflection on Tongzhi Movement in Hong Kong.” In The Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia, edited by Mark McLelland and Vera Mackie, 188–201. London: Routledge.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2014a. “Male Sex Work in China.” In Male Sex Work and Society, edited by Victor Minichiello and John Scott, 314–41. New York: Harrington Press.
Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2014b.《男男正傳:香港年長男同志口述史》 [Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong] (In Chinese), 香港:進一步 [Hong Kong: Stepforward Multimedia, Ltd.]. (233 pp)
Kong, Travis S.K. 2012a. “A Fading Queer Heterotopia: Hong Kong Older Gay Men’s Queer Use of Spaces.” Sexualities 15 (8): 896–916.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2012b. “Chinese Male Bodies: A Transnational Study of Masculinity and Sexuality.” In Routledge Handbook of Body Studies, edited by Bryan Turner, 289–306. London: Routledge.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2012c. “Reinventing the Self under Socialism: The Case of Migrant Male Sex Workers in China.” Critical Asian Studies 44 (2): 283–308.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2012d. “Sex Entrepreneurs in the New China.” Contexts 11 (3): 28–33.
Altman, Dennis, Peter Aggleton, Michael Williams, Travis Kong, Vasu Reddy, David Harrad, Toni Reis, and Richard Parker. 2012. “Men Who Have Sex with Men: Stigma and Discrimination.” The Lancet 380 (9839): 439–45.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2011a. Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy. London: Routledge. (xxiv, 296 pp)
Kong, Travis S. K. 2011b. “Sexualizing Asian Male Bodies.” In Introducing the New Sexuality Studies (2nd edition), edited by Steven Seidman, Nancy Fischer, and Chet Meeks, 84–88. New York: Routledge.
Kong, Travis. 2011c. “Transnational Queer Labour: The “Circuits of Desire” of Money boys in China.” English Language Notes 49 (1): 139–44.
Kong, Travis S.K., Karen Joe Laidler, and Herbert Pang. 2011. “Relationship Type, Condom Use and HIV/AIDS Risks among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Six Chinese Cities.” AIDS Care 24 (4): 517–28.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2010a. “Outcast Bodies: Money, Sex and Desire of Money Boys in Mainland China.” In As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexuality and Gender in Mainland China and Hong Kong, edited by Ching Yau, 17–35. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2010b. Review of Loretta Wing Wah Ho (2010), Gay and Lesbian Subculture in Urban China (London: Routledge). Pacific Affairs 83 (4): 66–67.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2009a. “More than a Sex Machine: Accomplishing Masculinity among Chinese Male Sex Workers in the Hong Kong Sex Industry.” Deviant Behavior 30 (8): 715–45.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2009b. “Where is My Brokeback Mountain?” Doing Families in Hong Kong, Special issue, Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 135–59.
Kong, T. S. K. 2008. “Risk Factors Affecting Condom Use among Male Sex Workers Who Serve Men in China: A Qualitative Study.” Sexually Transmitted Infections 84 (6): 444–48.
Wong, W. C., and T. S. Kong. 2007. “To Determine Factors in an Initiation of a Same-sex Relationship in Rural China: Using Ethnographic Decision Model.” AIDS Care 19 (7): 850–57.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2006a. “Asian Sexual Cultures.” In Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer, 4213–18. London: Blackwell.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2006b. “Multiple Entries [22].” In Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture, edited by David A. Gerstner. New York: Routledge.
Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2006c. “基出我天地: 邊緣、社群與香港男同志” [Queering the City: Marginality, Community and Hong Kong Male Tongzhi]. In《性政治》 [Sexual Politics], edited by 游靜 Yau Ching, 182–205. Hong Kong: Cosmosbooks.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2006d. “Sexualizing Asian Male Bodies.” In Introducing The New Sexuality Studies (1st edition), edited by Steven Seidman, Nancy Fischer, and Chet Meeks, 90-95. New York: Routledge.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2006e. “What It Feels Like for a Whore: The Body Politics of Women Performing Erotic Labour in Hong Kong.” Gender, Work and Organization 13 (5): 409–34.
Wong, W. C., J. Zhang, S. C. Wu, T. S. Kong, and D. C. Ling. 2006. “The HIV-related Risks among Men Having Sex with Men in Rural Yunnan, China: A Qualitative study.” Sexually Transmitted Infections 82 (2): 127–30.
Kong, Travis S. K. 2005a. “Queering Masculinity in Hong Kong Movies.” In Masculinities and Hong Kong Cinema, edited by L. K. Pang and D. Wong, 57–80. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2015b. Purchasing Sex, Consuming Love? A Qualitative Study of Hong Kong Men Who Buy Sex. [Full report]. Centre for Criminology, The University of Hong Kong (online).
Kong, Travis S.K. 2005c. The Hidden Voice: The Sexual Politics of Hong Kong Male Sex Workers. [Research Report Series No.10]. Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Tam, May 譚若梅, Ku, Hok-bun 古學斌, and Travis Kong 江紹祺, eds. 2005. 《公民身份的再思與打造: 華人社會的社會排斥與邊緣性》 [Rethinking and Recasting Citizenship: Social Exclusion and Marginality in Chinese Societies.] 香港理工大學應用社會科學系社會政策研究中心 Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2004. “Queer at Your Own Risk: Marginality, Community and Hong Kong Gay Male Bodies.” Sexualities 7 (1): 5–30.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2003. Review of James Farrer (2002), Opening Up: Youth Sex Culture and Market Reform in Shanghai (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press). Sexualities 6 (3–4): 489–91.
Kong, Travis S.K., and Zi Teng. 2003. A Research Report on the Working Experiences of Hong Kong’s Female Sex Workers. [Research Report Series No. 8]. Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Zi Teng.
Kong, Travis S.K. 2002. “The Seduction of the Golden Boy: The Body Politics of Hong Kong Gay Men.” Body & Society 8 (1): 29–48.×02008001002.
Kong, Travis S. K., K. Plummer, and D. Mahoney. 2002. “Queering the Interview.” In Handbook of Interview Research: Context & Method, edited by Jaber F. Gubrium and James A. Holstein, 239–58. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Selected videos
Kong, Travis S.K. (Director). 2022. Intergenerational Memba: LGBTQ History in Hong Kong (, Community Project with Grey and Pride (Short video, 8 min).
Kong, Travis S.K. (Director). 2020. Gay & Grey ( (Short video, 4:02 mins).
Kong, Travis S .K. (Director). 2020. Unheard Voices: Older Tongzhi in Hong Kong (, Knowledge Exchange Project, HKU (short video, 8:06 mins).
Kong, Travis S.K. (Director) and Faculty of Social Sciences (FOSS). 2017. Personal Empowerment and Collective Transformation (, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU (short video, 4:38 mins).
Kong, Travis S.K. (Director). 2014. Gay and Grey: Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong (, Knowledge Exchange Project, HKU (Short video, 13:29 mins).
Selected conference presentations
Kong, Travis S.K. (2018, 7-8 December). “Seeking Space, Voice, Dignity: Minorities, Gender and Sexuality.” International Conference on Gender, Sexuality and Justice: Resilience in Uncertain Times, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2015, 7 July). “The Secret Garden: Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong.” Intersections of Ageing, Gender, Sexualities (i-ages), University of Surrey, United Kingdom.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 25 April). “Dreams and Dislocation: The Challenges Facing Rural-to-urban Migrant Male Sex Workers (‘Money Boys’) in Contemporary China.” Behind the Façade: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives in Macao, University of Macau, Macau.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2011, 3-4 June). “Sex and Work on the Move: The Case of China’s Rural-to-urban Migrant Male Sex Workers.” International Conference on Gender and Policy, Shantou University, Shantou, China.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2007, 19-22 July). Final plenary discussion at Cultural Studies Now: An International Conference [Key speaker], University of East London, United Kingdom.
Other conference presentations
Joe-Laidler, Karen, Kate Lowe, and Travis S.K. Kong. (2023, 2-8 September). “The Trouble with ‘Outsiders’.” [Online paper presentation], Embracing Trouble: New Ways of Doing, Being and Knowing. Sixth Contemporary Drug Problems Conference. Forum 104, Paris, France.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2023, 19-20 June). “Continuity and Change across Two Generations of Chinese Gay Men in Hong Kong, Intimacy and Family Life.” Sympoisum on Intimacy and Family Life: Multiple Perspectives, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2023, 3 June). “The Mobility of Sexual Citizenship.” Ken Plummer’s Rememberance Conference, University of Essex, United Kingdom. [Invited]
Joe-Laidler, Karen, Lau, Sky H.L., Kong, Travis S.K., and Law, Frances Y.W. (2023, 16-19 April). “Chem fun in the Hong Kong MSM Community and Harm Reduction.” [Poster presentation]. Harm Reduction International Conference, Melbourne.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2022, 31 March). “Transnational Queer Sociology: Young Gay Sexualities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.” Panel on Gender and Sexuality, Rethinking Sociological Theory in Asia, Baptist University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2021, 9 December). “Toward a Transnational Queer Sociology: Historical Formation of Tongzhi Identities and Cultures in Hong Kong and Taiwan (1980s–1990s) and China (late 1990s–early 2000s)” [Outstanding paper presention], Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2020-2021, Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2019, 1-4 July). “Transnational Queer Sociology.”, Panel: Queer Asia 1: Issues and Directions in Comparative Queer Asian Studies, AAS-in-Asia, Bangkok, Thailand.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2019, 1-3 July). “Gay & Grey in Hong Kong: Transformation of an Oral History Project to Participatory Action Research.”, Panel: Ageing & Sexuality: Qualitative Studies and Methodological Notes on Older Gay Men and Lesbians in Hong Kong and Singapore, AAS-in-Asia, Bangkok, Thailand.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2018, 9 May). Panel 4: “Cross Cultural, Social and Historical.” International Conference on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status Research: Data Collection, Analysis, Social and Policy Engagement, The Sexualities Research Programme and the Gender Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2018, 14 April). “A Translocal Study of Young Gay Identities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.” Queer Asia Comparative Forum,Global Asian Research Center, National Taiwan Universtiy, Taiwan. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2017, 8 April). “Rethinking Chinese Sociology of Homosexuality in Contemporary China.” Symposium on Movements of Desires: Identity Politics, Consumption and Citizen-making in China and Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2015, 25 August). “The Secret Garden: Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong.” Thematic Session on Gender and Sexuality in East Asia, Sexualities in the Social World, American Sociological Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States [Invited session organizer and speaker].
Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 15 July). “Titanic and McSex: Accomplishing Masculinities among Chinese Men Who Buy Sex.”, Ad Hoc Session “Exploring Hegemonic Masculinities in the World Gender Order from the East and the South,” XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 10 June). “On the Edge: Chinese Men Negotiating Thrill and Control in Commercial Sex.” Symposium on Masculinities, Modernity and Heteronormativity in the UK and South China, University of York, United Kingdom. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 23-25 May). “Between Chicken Worm and Sunken Boat: Bounded Masculinity in the Chinese Sex Industry.” Neo-moralism under Neo-liberalism International Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 21-22 February). “Intertwining intimacies and the Male Client in the Chinese Sex Industry.” 2014 International Symposium on Multiple Crises and Sustainable Social Integration in Contemporary Societies, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2013, 29 November). “Consuming Love, Purchasing Sex: Masculinity of Male Clients in the Chinese Sex Industry.” Chinese Masculinities on the Move: Time, Space and Cultures – An International Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2012, 25-28 July). “The Secret Garden: Older Gay Men’s Creation of Queer Counterpublics in Colonial and Post-colonial Hong Kong.”, Queering Paradigm IV, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the Graduate Program in Social Memory at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), and the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics (ALAB), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2012, 9-11 June). “Money, Migration, and Market Reform: The Case of Male Sex Workers in Contemporary China.” International Conference on Gender Research in Chinese Studies, Nanjing-Brown Joint in Gender Studies and the Humanities, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2012, 24 May). “The Forgotten and the Invisible: Older Gay Men’s Negotiation of Intimacy in Hong Kong.” Symposium on Beyond the East West Divide: Gender, Intimacy and Modernity, Department of Sociology and Department of Social Work and Administration, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2011, 3 December). “Where Has the Secret Garden Gone? Older Gay Men’s Negotiation of Queer Space in Colonial and Postcolonial Hong Kong.”, Global Sociology for a Global World, The Hong Kong Sociological Association 13th Annual Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2011, 10 October). “Queer Generation 1: Older Gay Men’s Boundary Crossing in Colonial Hong Kong.” Boundary Crossing: Sex and Gender in Context, Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, Tokyo, Japan.[Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K., and Jianhua Xu (2011, 3-4 June). “The Road of No Return for the Money Boy: The Dilemma of Leaving the Sex Industry for Male Sex Workers in China.”, International Conference on Gender and Policy, Shantou University, Shantou, China.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2010, 2 October). “The ‘Bare Life’ of Money Boys: Transgression in Sexual Contact Zones of Rural-to-urban Male Sex Workers in Mainland China.” Sexual Boundary Crossing and Sexual Contact Zones in East Asia, Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, Tokyo, Japan [Virtual presentation] [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2010, 17-18 April). “Outcast Bodies that Travel: Transnational Migrant Citizenship of Money Boys in China.” Reinstating Transgression: Emerging Political Economies of Queer Space, American University, Washington DC, United States. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2009, 22-24 July). “Sex and Work in a Queer Time and Place: Identity Politics of Citizenship of Male Sex Workers in China.”, ISA-ABRI Joint International Meeting: Diversity and Inequality in World Politics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2009, 15-18 April). “Money, Desire and Citizenship: Negotiating Urban Citizenship among Rural-to-urban Migrant Male Sex Workers in China.” The VII IASSCS Conference: Contested Innocence – Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space, Hanoi, Vietnam.
Wong, William C.W., and Travis S.K. Kong (2009, 18-20 June). “To Determine Factors in an Initiation of a Same-sex Relationship in Rural China: Using Ethnographic Decision Model.”, The Second International Conference on Sexualities in China, Renmin University, Beijing, China.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2009, 18-20 June). “Bodies that Travel: Citizenship Formation of ‘Money Boys’ in Urban China.”, The Second International Conference on Sexualities in China, Renmin University, Beijing, China. [Regional]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2007, 19-22 July). “My Own Private IDAHO: Notes on the Queer Sexual Culture in Post-colonial Hong Kong.” [Paper presentation], Cultural Studies Now: An International Conference, University of East London, United Kingdom.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2007, 10 March). “My Own Private IDAHO: Notes on the Queer Sexual Culture in Post-colonial Hong Kong.” Workshop on Bodies and Urban Spaces, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. [Invited]
Kong, Travis S.K. (2006, 11 November). “Where is my Brokeback Mountain?” Doing Families in Hong Kong, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Kong, Travis S.K. (2006, 26-29 June). “Repositioning the Asian Diasporic Male Bodies.” Asia Reconstructed: From Critique of Development to Postcolonial Studies, the 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, University of Wollongong, Australia.