Ms Lok Lee Cho
PhD Student
8.25, 8/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

Lok-Lee is a full-time PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology. She received her Master’s degree in Criminology from The University of Hong Kong. She was a visiting student researcher at the University of California, Berkeley in 2022.
Her research interests include criminology, social movement studies, policing, and political sociology.
Master of Social Sciences in Criminology
The University of Hong Kong
Social movement
White collar crime
Law and Society
Political sociology
2021 American Sociological Association Global and Transnational Sociology Best Scholarly Article Award – Honorable Mention (with Peng Wang and Paul Joosse).
2021-2022 Adam Smith Fellowship
Wang, P., Joosse, P., & Cho, L. L. (2020). “The Evolution of Protest Policing in a Hybrid Regime”. The British Journal of Criminology. 60(6), 1523-1546.