Prof Satoshi Araki publishes an article on flexible work and worker well-being in Socio-Economic Review.
6 March 2024

Professor Araki's new paper (co-authored with Prof Jeremy Rappleye) "Flexibility loss and worker well-being: what happens to job satisfaction when workers lose their telework usage?" has been published in Socio-Economic Review ( In this article, using the unique panel data collected by the Japanese Government in 2020-2021, Prof Araki and Prof Rappleye examined the association between what they call "flexibility loss" (i.e., losing telework usage after experiencing it) and job satisfaction. Their regressions and generalized structural equation modelling show (1) workers who frequently telework exhibit higher job satisfaction in both years; (2) on average, losing telework does not affect job satisfaction; and (3) workers who experienced telework-related challenges in 2020 and continue to work remotely next year report lower job satisfaction, whereas those who lost telework opportunities possess higher job satisfaction. Based on these results, they argue that a new type of labour stratification emerges as the compound of workers’ experience of telework (or other types of flexible work arrangements) and its continuation/withdrawal, which affects worker well-being either functionally or adversely.