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Dr Cassini S K Chu

Honorary Lecturer

HKU Scholars Hub
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Dr Cassini S K Chu
  • Cassini specializes in gender and sexuality. Her book, Compensated Dating: Buying and Selling Sex in Cyberspace, investigates Compensated Dating practitioners’ self-identity, desire and their dynamic relationships. In addition to the stories of female providers, her book explores the life-experiences of male clients, which is under-reported in the current literature of compensated dating in Asia. Through her interviews and ethnographic work, her book unfolds how modern intimacy entwines in the on-line and off-line worlds.

  • PhD
    The University of Hong Kong

    Chinese University of Hong Kong

    Brown University (USA)

    • Gender and sexuality

    • Sex work

    • Deviant behaviors

    • Girlhood studies

  • The Best Thesis Award  —  Hong Kong Sociological Association 2015

  • Chu, C. S. K. (2018).  Compensated Dating: Buying and Selling Sex in Cyberspace: Palgrave Macmillan

    Chu, C. S. K., & Laidler, K. J. (2015). Becoming a Male Client in Compensated Dating. Deviant Behavior, 1-19

    Chu, C.S. K.  (2018). From Cyber-Ethnography to In-Depth Interviews: Learning About Girls Who Sell Sex and Men Who Purchase Sex in Compensated Dating. SAGE Research Methods Cases.

  • CCHU9015

    1st semester

    Sex and intimacy in modern times

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