Sining Wang is a full-time PhD student at HKU Sociology. She received both her bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Sociology from Peking University.
Her research interests include sociology of family, sociology of professions, gender studies and cultural studies. She consistently focuses on the marriage and family issues in her initial publication on bridewealth in rural China and the following research on female scholars’ professional careers and their work-family relationship. Her current research focuses on the generational changes in the Chinese academic profession.
Master in Sociology
Peking UniversityBachelor in Sociology
Peking Universitysociology of family
sociology of professions
gender studies
cultural studies
The generational changes in the Chinese academic profession
2023 Graduation with Honor: College Graduate Excellence Award of Beijing, The Education Department of Beijing.
2023 Excellent Graduates of PKU, Peking University
2020 Graduation with Honor: College Graduate Excellence Award of Beijing, The Education Department of Beijing.
2020 Excellent Graduates of PKU, Peking University
Wang, Sining, Yujing Jia, and Geng Tian. 2022. “Pricing the Bridewealth: On Moral Embedding in the Mechanism of Rural Betrothal Gifts Negotiation–Case Analysis Based on L County, Gansu Province.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 8(1):104-28. doi: 10.1177/2057150X211070961
Wang, Sining, Yujing Jia, and Geng Tian.“Pricing the bridewealth: on moral embedding in the mechanism of rural betrothal gifts negotiation—case analysis based on L County, Gansu Province”[“议彩礼”:试论农村彩礼形成机制中的道德嵌入性——基于甘肃L县的案例分析], 社会(Chinese Journal of Sociology)2020, 40(01):1-24. (In Chinese)