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Ms Sai Zhang

PhD Student

8.25, 8/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

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Ms Sai Zhang
  • Sai Zhang is a full-time PhD student at HKU sociology. She received her bachelor’s degree in Literature from Shandong University and master’s degree in big data, culture and society from King’s College London. She studied MA in Communication in Shandong University for two years without certificate.

    Her research interests include cultural sociology, media sociology, ICT and STS. Her current research focuses on cosmetic surgery in Hong Kong and mainland China, including the controversy and risk construction, and the relationship between culture and beauty practices.

  • Digital Humanities, King’s College London

    Program: MA big data in culture and society

    School of Literature, Shandong University

    Program: BA in Chinese Language & Literature

    • Media sociology

    • Cultural sociology

    • Social studies of science and technology

    • Information and communication technology

    • Datafication and digitalization

    • Identity, gender

    • Risk construction

  • HKU presidential scholarship  (HKU-PS)  2020

  • Journal article in Chinese

    2024   Tian Xiaoli and Zhang Sai. (accepted and forthcoming) Legitimacy and Professional Boundaries: An Institutional Analysis of Chinese Medicine in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine.

    2022   Tian Xiaoli and Zhang Sai. Expert or experiential knowledge? How knowledge informs situated action in childcare practices. Social Science & Medicine.

    Zhang,S. (2020). “Western Freelance Journalists: Freedom or Restriction?” Youth Journalist.

    Zhang,S. (2020). “Critique of Algorithmic Power: How Does Algorithmic News Construct Reality?”. Journalism Lover.

    Gong, W.G., Zhu,M., Zhang,S., and Zhang,Y. (2019)  “Media Hegemony,Cultural Circle and the Global Dissemination of the Orientalist Discourse: Taking Public Opinion on China in GDELT as an Example”.  Sociological Studies.

    Zhang,S. (2019). “From Culture Science to Media Science: Opportunities, Challenges and Big Data”. Youth Journalist.


    Youth Journalist and Journalism Lover are sources of Guide to Core Journals of China (GCJC)

    Sociological Studies is a top journal in Sociology and a source journal of Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index (CSSCI).

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