Modern social theory
Offer semester
Lecture time
Lecture venue
Credits awarded
2nd semester
How do individuals create social worlds through their interactions? What is the nature of social reality and its dynamic structures? How does social reality shape the way we think, know, talk about and act in the world? What are the broad trends of social transformation, from modernity to post-modernity, globalization, and beyond? Building on the insights of classical sociological theory, this course will provide an overview of the main currents, themes and debates in modern and contemporary Western social theory, with a primary focus on sociological and anthropological contributions. The course will also focus on the practical application of theoretical concepts to situations of everyday life and social issues in Hong Kong, China and the world.
Acquire basic knowledge and understanding of major modern and contemporary sociological theories
Apply sociological theories to creatively analyse complex social issues in both the local and global contexts
Develop a sensitivity to the historical and cultural context of the generation of sociological theories.
Weekly theory journal
Tutorial presentation
Final essay
Offer Semester | Lecture Day | Lecture Time | Venue | Credits awarded |
2nd semester | Thursday | 16:30-18:20 | CPD-LG.18 | 6 |