Shing Au-Yeung was born and raised in Hong Kong. Like most boys of the time, he was a science pupil in secondary school. At university, he gradually migrated to social science and obtained a BA in Communication Studies from the University of Michigan. During that time, he also encountered video art from university courses and the Hong Kong Arts Centre workshops. Those experiences left a persistent mark in his life.
In 2001, commissioned by the Hong Kong Film Archive, he made a video paying tribute to the retired director Lung Kong. The work was exhibited in 2001 and again in 2010. From 2001-2004, in every summer, he curated and taught the “Video-making day camp” for teenagers, jointly sponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, HKSAR and universities, including HKU. Recently, he designed and held workshops on “digital story telling” for various communities as part of the Hong Kong Memory Project.
His research life began with the Baseline Study on Hong Kong’s Creative Industries (2003), conducted by HKU and commissioned by the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong government. Currently, he co-investigates a public policy research study on “independent” film and video practices in Hong Kong.
He is a regular contributor on Hong Kong Economic Journal’s (信報) column on cultural policy (文化論政) since 2012
The University of Hong KongMPhil
The University of Hong KongMSc
The Chinese University of Hong KongBA
University of MichiganCultural policy
Production of culture
Sociology of art
New media
Co-Investigator, “The Workforce and Professionalism of Film/Video Makers in Hong Kong: Youth, Industry, and Community-Building”. Funded by the Public Policy Research (PPR) Funding Scheme of RGC and the Central Policy Unit of HKSAR.
2012-2013. Teaching Consultant, Hong Kong Memory Project, a project of Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences, HKU, sponsored by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Examiner, Film and Media Arts, Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
RTHK Programme Advisory Panel
AU-Yeung, S. (2012). “Chow Chun Fai, Hong Kong, election campaign in mixed media, size variable, 2012” in Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2012. Hong Kong: Department of Fine Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. (link)
Hong Kong Economic Journal Column (信報文化論政) (links: On HKEJ Website 2014-current , On InMedia from 2012-current)
On HKEJ Website 2014-current , http://search.hkej.com/template/fulltextsearch/php/search.php?q=%E6%AD%90%E9%99%BD%E6%AA%89
On InMedia from 2012-current http://www.inmediahk.net/user/507424/post
大數據下的香港村:人還有話說(城市文化交流會議-2016 臺北年會) City-to-City Cultural Exchange Conference 2016