Prof Eric W C Fong
Chair Professor in Sociology
Associate Dean (T & L), Faculty of Social Sciences
3917 7439
9.16, 9/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

Eric Fong joined the University of Hong Kong in 2020 from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he served as chair of the Department of Sociology and the inaugural Director of the Research Centre on Migration and Mobility. Prior to returning to Hong Kong in 2016, Fong had been a professor of sociology at the University of Toronto for more than 20 years. He was also Changjiang Chair Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Fong formerly served as President of the Canadian Population Society and the North America Chinese Sociologist Association, as well as Chair of the International Migration Section of the American Sociological Association. Fong publishes widely on race and ethnic residential patterns and immigration. His latest book with Brent Berry, Immigration and the City, was published by Polity Press in 2017.
University of ChicagoMigration
Race and Ethnicity
Urban sociology
Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong
Chinese migration in Asia
High-skilled migration in Hong Kong and mainland
Honorary Professor, School of Public Policy and Administration, Xian Jiaotong University (2020-present)
Academic Counsel, Center for Chinese Entrepreneur Studies, Tsinghua University, China (2012-present)
Changjiang Chair Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University (2016-2019)
President, Hong Kong Sociological Association (2020-2022)
Chair, International Migration Section, American Sociological Association (2012-2013)
President, Canadian Population Society (2012-2014)
Section Chair, International Migration Section, American Sociological Association (2012-13)
Dean's Excellence Award, University of Toronto (1997, 1998, 2000-2003)
Editorial Board
Demography, Deputy Editor (2018-present)
International Migration Review (2018-present)
Social Science Research (2014-present)
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies (2013-present)
Asian Population Studies (2020- present)
Chinese Journal of Sociology (2019- present)
Journal of Population Studies (2011-present)
Forthcoming. "Factors Enhancing the Moving Intention from More Developed to Less Developed Area" Chinese Journal of Sociology (Cheng Chou and Eric Fong)
Forthcoming “Compressed Modernity in Taiwan: Fathers Becoming the Sole Influencer on National Identity” China Quarterly (Yun-Tzu Chang and Eric Fong)
2023. “Negative Sentiment Towards Recent Migrants in a Post-Colonial City: A case study in Hong Kong.” International Migration Review 57(2): 810-838 (Eric Fong and Biyang Sun)
2023. "Income difference between highly educated migrants and highly educated local-born workers in urban China." Population, Space and Place 29:e2701. (Xiaoman Wu and Eric Fong).
2023. "Income Differences of Chinese Sub-ethnic Groups in Canada." Population Research and Policy Review 42, 26 (Eric Fong and Pui Kwan Man)
2023. A gendered analysis of family, work, social spheres and life satisfaction: The case of highly educated migrants in Hong Kong. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 32(1): 129-151 (Puk Kwan Man, Rebecca Yiqing Gan, and Eric Fong)
2023. “Support or Burden? Mental health and transnational family contact among female migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong” Population, Space, and Place 29 (2): e2617 (Yingtong Lai and Eric Fong)
2023. "Social and economic integration of highly educated/high-skilled migrants in East and Southeast Asia: Overview of the Special Issue." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 32(1): 3-9.
2023."Taking Care of Elderly Parents or Children: How arethey related to the decision to hire foreign domestic helper?" Journal of Family Issue 44(12): 3222-3249 (Eric Fong and Kumiko Shibuya)
2023. “The Challenge of Retaining Highly Educated Migrants in Tourism Destinations: Case Comparison of Macau and Hong Kong “ Cities 137 (June), 104286 (Yun-Tzu Chang and Eric Fong)
2023. "Entry visa categories, current experiences and future expectations of highly educated migrants and their intention to stay." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 32(1):152-172 (Kenny Shui, Kelvin Ka Wang Lam, Julie Chen, and Eric Fong)
2023. “The Representation of Ethnic Economies in Industry Clusters and the Earnings Differences of Ethnic Members from Others: A case of Chinese in Canada” Journal of Social Issues 78(3): 563-580 (Eric Fong and Binbin Shu)
2023. "Well-being of migrants and immigrants: Perspectives in Asia and from Asians in North America." Journal of Social Issues 78(3): 489-501 (Yuying Tong and Eric Fong)