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Global and comparative criminology



18:30 - 21:20


2nd semester

Lecture venue
Lecture time
Offer semester
  • Historically, most crime control debates focus on national rather than transnational or international problems. Yet, criminologists should be curious about how criminal activities that are occurring in the local context, such as drugs and fraud, may be affected by factors and actors operating at a global or international level.

    This course will introduce students to theoretical criminological debates in global and comparative criminology through the study of various case studies (fraud, human/organ/animal/drugs trafficking, environmental crime, and gangs) students will be encouraged to explore crimes, criminal justice and policing illustrating the importance of global and comparative perspectives. Students will also explore current debates and advancements in Southern criminology and Asian criminology

    In this context, students will learn about current developments and will be expected to think about the social, economic, and political relations between those issues through drawing upon range of interdisciplinary reading, martials and sources.

  • By the end of the course, the students are expected to:

    1. Describe and explain the different ways of understanding crime and justice in a local and global context and the links between the two.

    2. Demonstrate the ability to engage with a range of inter disciplinary literature, materials and approaches to global crime and crime control.

    3. Apply interdisciplinary concepts and ideas to the study of crime, the control of crime and criminal justice.

    4. Critically analyse local and global crimes: how they are policed at the transnational level; how they are enforced internationally, how they are represented in official discourse and the media; how they vary across different locations and contexts.

  • Tasks


    Written Paper






  • Franko, K. (2019). Globalization and crime. 3rd edition. Sage

    Aas, K-J. (2007 and 2013) Globalization and Crime, London: Sage.

  • Amongst Others:

    Bosworth, M., & Hoyle, C. (Eds.). (2012). What is criminology?. Oxford University Press.

    Bauman, Zygmunt. Globalization: The human consequences. Columbia University Press, 1998.

    Carrington, K., Hogg, R., Scott, J., Sozzo, M., & Walters, R. (2018). Southern criminology. Routledge.

    Moosavi, L. (2019). A friendly critique of ‘Asian Criminology’ and ‘Southern Criminology’. The British Journal of Criminology59(2), 257-275.

    Muncie, J. et al. (2010) (eds), Crime: Local and Global, Cullompton: Willan

    Muncie, J. et al. (2010) (eds), Criminal Justice: Local and Global, Cullompton: Willan.

Dr Kate Lowe

Part-time Lecturer

Dr Kate Lowe
Course co-ordinator and teachers
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