Prof Paul Joosse
Associate Professor
3917 8533
9.02, 9/F., The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus

Paul Joosse is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Hong Kong. His work examines Weber’s theory of domination as it interacts with social movement theory and (critical) criminology. Recent projects have included theorizing the link between gender and charismatic power, using the example of Trump to develop a typology of charismatic counter-roles, and weaving Stanley Cohen’s concept of moral panic with Weber’s theory of charisma to show how charismatic acclamation is intimately liked to the aspersion of ‘folk devils.’ This work has been published in Social Forces, Sociological Theory, Theory and Society, Journal of Classical Sociology, and Sociology of Religion, among others. In connection with his sociological work, he is Chair of the American Sociological Association’s Section for the History of Sociology and Social Thought and he currently serves on the executive board of the International Sociological Association’s Sociological Theory research cluster (RC16).
A second strand of research falls broadly within critical criminology. Specifically, Paul has used a variety of research methods (including ethnographic fieldwork) to explore the fringes of social movements as a site for criminal engagement and criminalization. This has led to analyses of the cultural narratives that give rise to rebellion, the social construction of “ecoterrorism,” and a critical assessment of the origins of the “lone wolf” phenomenon. A further project has contributed to understandings of resilience to radicalization within the Somali-Canadian diaspora. This criminological research has been published in British Journal of Criminology, European Journal of Criminology, Crime Media Culture, and Terrorism and Political Violence, among others. In connection with this work, he is currently Chair of the Society for the Study of Social Problems’ Theory Division, an Associate Fellow at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) at King’s College London, and a Senior Research Affiliate with the Canadian Network for Research on Terrorism, Security, and Society (TSAS).
Earlier on in his career, Paul was happy to serve as an editorial assistant at the British Journal of Sociology.
Social theory
Social movements
2021 American Sociological Association Junior Theorist Award
2021 American Sociological Association Global and Transnational Sociology Best Scholarly Article Award – Honorable Mention (with Peng Wang and Cho Lok Lee).
2020 Canadian Sociological Association, Early Career Award.
2020 International Sociological Association Junior Theorist Prize.
2019-2020 HKU Faculty of Social Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award
2019 Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Outstanding Article Award, Theory Division.
2019 American Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Section’s Distinguished Article Award – Honorable Mention.
2019-2020 Universitas 21 Fellowship Award (to be taken up at the University of British Columbia).
2018 American Sociological Association Clifford Geertz Prize for Best Article in the Sociology of Culture.
2018 University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize (Faculty of Social Sciences).
2018-2019 King’s College London/University of Hong Kong Fellowship Award.
2014. Faculty of Arts Graduate Student Teaching Award (University of Alberta).
2013. Graduate Student’s Association Teaching Award (University of Alberta).
2012. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) Graduate Student Essay Contest, 1st Place: “The Presentation of the Charismatic Self in Everyday Life: Reflections on a Canadian New Religious Movement.”
2009. University of Alberta President’s Media Recognition Award.
2007. Western Society of Criminology, Best Student Paper Award — 1st Place: “Leaderless Resistance and Ideological Inclusion: the Case of the Earth Liberation Front.”
2006. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) Graduate Student Essay Contest — 2nd Place: “Silence, Charisma and Power: the Case of John de Ruiter.”
Peer-reviewed publications:
2023. (Forthcoming) “Charismatic Mimicry: Innovation and Imitation in the Case of Volodymyr Zelensky.” Sociological Theory. (with Dominik Zelinsky).
2023. (Forthcoming) “In the Name of Love or Hatred: A systematic comparison between filicide-suicide and mariticide/uxoricide-suicide in Hong Kong.” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (with Wai Kiu Leung).
2023 (Forthcoming). “Morality from the Mountaintop: A Comparison of Philosophical and Narrative Approaches to increasing the good.” In, Good Stories: Telling Against Trouble. Presser, Lois, Sveinung Sandberg, and Jennifer Fleetwood, eds, NYU Press.
2022. “Berserk!: Anger and the Charismatic Populism of Donald Trump.” Critical Sociology. 48(6): 1073–1087 (with Dominik Zelinsky).
2022. “Transboundary air pollution and cross-border cooperation: Insights from marine vessel emissions regulations in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.” Sustainable Cities and Society. Online first. (with Kim, Seung Kyum, Terry van Gevelt, and Mia M. Bennett).
2021. “Urban Agglomeration Worsens Spatial Disparities in Climate Adaptation.” Scientific Reports 11(8446): 1-11. (with Seung Kyum Kim, Mia M. Bennett, and Terry van Gevelt).
2021. “Narratives of Rebellion.” European Journal of Criminology. 18(5): 735-754.
2021. “Folk Devils: from Youthful Innocence to Conceptual Maturity.” In, Martin Demant Frederiksen and Harboe Knudsen, eds. Modern Folk Devils: The Construction of Evil in the Contemporary World. Helsinki University Press, pp. 263–269.
2020. “Gender and Charismatic Power.”. Theory and Society, 49(4): 533-561 (first author, with Robin D. Willey).
2021 American Sociological Association Junior Theorist Award.
2020.”Impacts of Green Infrastructure on Flood Risk Perceptions in Hong Kong.” Climatic Change (with Seung Kyum. Kim, Mia Bennet, and Terry van Gevelt). Online first:
2020. “The Evolution of Protest Policing in a Hybrid Regime.” British Journal of Criminology 60(6): 1523-1546 (with Peng Wang and Cho Lok Lee).
2021 American Sociological Association Global and Transnational Sociology Best Scholarly Article Award – Honorable Mention.
2020. “Ethnography in Calamitous Times.” Italian Journal of Ethnography and Qualitative Research 2:175-184 (with Cheris Shun-ching Chan, Xiaoli Tian, and Sylvia J. Martin).
Joosse, Paul. 2020. “‘The Long and ‘Hot’ Summer is Coming’: Environmental Community Activism, the State, and the Move Toward Violent Confrontation.” In, Seasonal Sociology, Tonya Davidson and Ondine Park, eds. University of Toronto Press, pp. 311-326.
2018. “Countering Trump: Toward a Theory of Charismatic Counter-Roles.” Social Forces. 97(2): 921-944. doi: 10.1093/sf/soy036
2020 International Sociological Association Junior Theorist Prize.
2018. “Expanding Moral Panic Theory to Include the Agency of Charismatic Entrepreneurs.” British Journal of Criminology 58(4): 993-1012. doi.10.1093/bjc/azx047
2019 Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Outstanding Article Award, Theory Division.
2018 University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize (Faculty of Social Sciences).
2017. “Max Weber’s Disciples: Theorizing the Charismatic Aristocracy.” Sociological Theory 35(4): 334-358.
2018 American Sociological Association Clifford Geertz Prize – Best Article in the Sociology of Culture.
2019 American Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Section’s Distinguished Article Award – Honorable Mention.
2017. “Leaderless Resistance and the Loneliness of Lone Wolves: Exploring the Rhetorical Dynamics of Lone-Actor Violence.” Terrorism and Political Violence 29(1): 52-78.
2015. “Narratives and Counternarratives: Somali-Canadians on Recruitment as Foreign Fighters to al-Shabaab.” British Journal of Criminology, 55(4): 811-832 (with Sandra Bucerius and Sara K. Thompson).
2014. “Becoming a God: Max Weber and the Social Construction of Charisma.” Journal of Classical Sociology 14.3: 266-283.
2014. “Anti-globalization and Radical Environmentalism: an exchange on Ethical Grounds.” Ethics in Progress Quarterly 5.1: 33-51.
2012 “Elves, Environmentalism, and ‘Eco-Terror’: Leaderless Resistance and Media Coverage of the Earth Liberation Front.” Crime, Media, Culture, 8.1: 75-93.
2012. “The Presentation of the Charismatic Self in Everyday Life: Reflections on a Canadian New Religious Movement.” Sociology of Religion, 73.2: 174-199.
2012. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) Graduate Student Essay Contest, 1st Place
2007. “Leaderless Resistance and Ideological Inclusion: the Case of the Earth Liberation Front.” Terrorism and Political Violence, 19.3: 351-368.
2007. Western Society of Criminology, Best Student Paper Award, 1st Place
2006. “Silence, Charisma and Power: the Case of John de Ruiter.” Journal of Contemporary Religion, 21.3 (October) 2006: 355-371.
2006. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) Graduate Student Essay Contest, 2nd Place.
Research reports:
Thompson, Sara K., Sandra Bucerius, Paul Joosse, Kelsi Barkway, Katharina Maier, Kieren Szuchewycz. 2014. Collective Efficacy and Cultural Capital: Building and Fostering Resilience in Different Ethnic Communities. Report for Public Safety Canada.
Joosse, Paul. 2013. Mobilizing Rhetoric in Asymmetrical Warfare: the Origins of ‘Leaderless Resistance.’ Report for Public Safety Canada.
Non-refereed publications:
2010. “Ludwig’s Arrest may have had more to do with Olympics than Evidence.” The Edmonton Journal (January 12) (reprinted in The Vancouver Sun, The Calgary Herald, The BC Province, The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, and The Victoria Times-Colonist).
2009. “Investigation Eroding Confidence.” The Saskatoon Star Phoenix, p. A6, August 12, 2009.
2009. “Tomslake’s Whodunit.” The Calgary Herald, p. A11, August 4, 2009.
2008. “RCMP Blows Pipeline Bomb Investigation.” The Calgary Herald, p. A9, December 15.
2008. “Is it only a ‘crazed’ individual behind pipeline bombings?“ The Vancouver Sun, p. A7, November 24.