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Abel, G.J. and Sander, N. (2014). Quantifying global international migration flows. Science. 343 (6178) 1520–1522.

Abel, G.J., Bakarat, B., K.C., S. and Lutz, W. (2016). Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals leads to lower world population growth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 113 (50) 14294–14299

Abel, G.J. and Cohen J. E. (2019). Bilateral international migration flow estimates for 200 countries. Nature Scientific Data. 6 (82)

Abel, G.J., Brottrager, M., Crespo Cuaresma, J., Muttarak, R. (2019) Climate, Conflict and Forced Migration. Global Environmental Change. 54, 239–249.

Abel, G.J. and Cohen J. E. (2022) Bilateral international migration flow estimates updated and refined by sex. Nature Scientific Data. 9 (1), 1-11

Prof Guy Abel

Araki, Satoshi and Jeremy Rappleye. 2024. “Flexibility loss and worker well-being: what happens to job satisfaction when workers lose their telework usage?” Socio-Economic Review, 22(2): 859-882. (

Araki, Satoshi. 2024. Assessing educational inequality in high participation systems: the role of educational expansion and skills diffusion in comparative perspective. Higher Education, Online First (

Araki, Satoshi and Francisco Olivos. 2024. “Income, Happiness, and Unhappiness: Explaining cross-national variation in the risk of suffering among low-income individuals.” Social Indicators Research, Online First (

Araki, Satoshi. 2024. “The Societal Determinants of Happiness and Unhappiness: Evidence from 152 countries over 15 years.” Social Psychological and Personality Science, 15(5): 603-615. (

Araki, Satoshi. 2023. “Beyond ‘Imagined Meritocracy’: Distinguishing the relative power of education and skills in intergenerational inequality,” Sociology 57(4): 975–992 (

Olivos, Francisco and Satoshi Arak. 2023. “Cultural Capital and Perception of Teacher-Student Relationships: Uncovering inequalities at schools in China,” British Journal of Sociology 74(3): 376-401 (

Araki, Satoshi. 2023. “Shedding New Light on Happiness Inequality via Unconditional Quantile Regression: The case of Japan under the Covid-19 crisis,” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 84: 100782. (

Araki, Satoshi. 2023. Beyond the High Participation Systems Model: Illuminating the Heterogeneous Patterns of Higher Education Expansion and Skills Diffusion Across 27 Countries. Higher Education 86(1): 119-137 (

Araki, Satoshi. 2023. Life Satisfaction, Skills Diffusion, and the Japan Paradox: Toward Multidisciplinary Research on the Skills Trap. International Journal of Comparative Sociology 64(3): 278-299 (

Araki, Satoshi. 2023. “Flexibly Maintained Inequality in Workplace Flexibility: Absolute and relative shifts in telework under Covid-19,” Social Science Japan Journal 26(2): 215-234 (

Araki, Satoshi and Takehiko Kariya. 2022. Credential Inflation and Decredentialization: Re-examining the Mechanism of the Devaluation of Degrees. European Sociological Review 38(6): 904-919 (

Araki, Satoshi. 2022. The Resilience Divide Among Older Adults Under Uncertainty: A Positive Sociological Study of Life Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Crisis. Journal of Applied Gerontology 41(8): 1792-1801 (

Araki, Satoshi. 2022. Does Education Make People Happy? Spotlighting the Overlooked Societal Condition. Journal of Happiness Studies 23(2): 587-629 (

Araki, Satoshi. 2020. Educational Expansion, Skills Diffusion, and the Economic Value of Credentials and Skills. American Sociological Review 85(1): 128-175 (

Prof Satoshi Araki

Brett, Gordon, and Soli Dubash. 2023. “The Sociocognitive Origins of Personal Mastery.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

Dubash, Soli, and Gordon Brett. 2023 “The Diffusion of Culture and Cognition Within and Beyond Sociology, 1997–2021” Sociological Forum.

Miles, Andrew, Gordon Brett, Salwa Khan, and Yagana Samim. 2023. “Testing Models of Cognition and Action Using Response Conflict and Multinomial Processing Tree Models.” Sociological Science 10: 118-149.

Brett, Gordon. 2022. “Dueling with Dual-Process Models: Cognition, Creativity, and Context.” Sociological Theory 40(2): 179-201.

Leschziner, Vanina, and Gordon Brett. 2021. “Have Schemas Been Good To Think With?.” Sociological Forum 36: 1207-1228.

Brett, Gordon, and Andrew Miles. 2021. “Who Thinks How? Social Patterns in Reliance on Automatic and Deliberate Cognition.” Sociological Science 8: 96-118.

Brett, Gordon, Daniel Silver, and Kaspar Beelen. 2020. “The Right Tool for the Job: Problems and Solutions in Visualizing Sociological Theory.” Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 50(2): 223-248.

Leschziner, Vanina, and Gordon Brett. 2019. “Beyond Two Minds: Cognitive, Embodied, and Evaluative Processes in Creativity.” Social Psychology Quarterly 82(4): 340-366.

Brett, Gordon. 2017. “Reframing the ‘Violence’ of Mixed Martial Arts: The ‘Art’ of the Fight.” Poetics 62: 15-28.

Prof Gordon Brett

2022. “Working without Wages: Network Structure and Migrant Construction Workers’ Protests in China.” The China Quarterly 252:1140-1161 (DOI: 10.1017/S0305741022000807) (co-authored with Wei Haitao).

2021. “Anti-Activism and Its Impact on Civil Society in Hong Kong: A Case Study of the Anti-Falun Gong Campaign.Modern China 47(6):765-794 (co-authored with Andrew Junker)

2020. “Ethnography in Calamitous Times.Etnografia E Ricerca Qualitativa (August 2020): 175-184 (co-authored with Paul Joosse, Sylvia Martin, and Xiaoli Tian).

2018. “A Market of Distrust: Toward a Cultural Sociology of Unofficial Exchanges between Patients and Doctors in China.” Theory and Society 47(6):737-772 (co-authored with Zelin Yao).

2018. “Mistrust of Physicians in China: Society, Institution, and Interaction as Root Causes.” Developing World Bioethics 18:16-25.

2018. “For Life or Death: Local Culture and State in Shaping Life Insurance Markets in Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.” Asia Review.

2016. “The Hippocratic Dilemmas: Guanxi and Professional Work in Hospital Care in China,” China Perspectives No.2016(4):19-27 (co-authored with Longwen Fu).

*A French version of the article is published in Perspectives Chinoises No.2016(4):19-27.

2016. “Rebuilding Patient-Physician Trust in China.” The Lancet 388:755. (co-authored with Joseph D. Tucker, Bonnie Wong, Jing-Bao Nie, Arthur Kleinman, and the Patient-Physician Trust Team).

2014. “Decoding Localization: A Comparison of Two Transnational Life Insurance Firms in China.” Pp.189-200 in Gili S. Drior, Markus A. Hollerer, and Pater Walgenbach (eds.) Global Themes and Local Variations in Organization and Management: Perspectives on Glocalization. New York: Routledge.

2013. “Doing Ideology amid a Crisis: Collective Actions and Discourses of the Chinese Falun Gong Movement.” Social Psychology Quarterly, 76 (1), 1-24.

2012. “Culture, State, and Varieties of Capitalism: A Comparative Study of Life Insurance Markets in Hong Kong and Taiwan.” British Journal of Sociology, 63 (1), 97-122.

2012. Marketing Death: Culture and the Making of a Life Insurance Market in China. New York: Oxford University Press.

2011. “Divorcing Localization from the Divergent Paradigm: Localization of Chinese Life Insurance Practice and Its ImplicationsInternational Sociology, 26(3), 346-63.

2009. “Invigorating the Content in Social Embeddedness: An Ethnography of Life Insurance Transactions in ChinaAmerican Journal of Sociology, 115(3), 712-54.

2009. “Creating a Market in the Presence of Cultural Resistance: The Case of Life Insurance in China.” Theory and Society, 38 (3), 271-305.

2007. “Honing the Desired Attitude: Ideological Work on Insurance Sales Agents.” Pp.229-46 in Ching Kwan Lee (ed.) Working In China: Ethnograhies of Labor and Workplace Transformation. London: RoutledgeCurzon.

2006. “Insurance,” in Roland Robertson and Jan Aart Scholte (eds) Encyclopedia of Globalization. New York: Routledge.

2004. “The Falun Gong in China: A Sociological Perspective.” The China Quarterly 179, 665-683.

2002. “July 22, 1999 – China Detains Thousands in Falun Gong, a Religious Group.” Pp.3058-3060 in The Great Events in the Twentieth Century, vol.8. CA: Salem Press, 2002.

2001. “Reenchantment of the Workplace: The Interplay of Religiosity and Rationality.” Berkeley Journal of Sociology, 45, 42-70.

2000. “The Sacred-Secular Dialectics of the Reenchanted Religious Order – The Lingsu Exo-Esoterics in Hong Kong.” Journal of Contemporary Religion, 15 (1), 45-63.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Cheris S C Chan


2023   Wahrendorf M, Chandola T, Descatha A. (eds) Handbook of Life Course Occupational Health, Springer.

2022   Chandola T, Booker C. Archival & Secondary Data Analysis. The SAGE Quantitative Kit. SAGE.

Journal articles:

2023   Chatzi G, Whittaker W, Chandola T, Mason T, Soiland-Reyes C, Sutton M, Bower P. Could diabetes prevention programmes result in the widening of sociodemographic inequalities in type 2 diabetes? Comparison of survey and administrative data for England. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.

2023   Rouxel P, Chandola T. No Substitute for In-Person Interaction: Changing Modes of Social Contact during the Coronavirus Pandemic and Effects on the Mental Health of Adults in the UK. Sociology.

2022   Zhang J, Chandola T, Zhang N. Understanding the longitudinal dynamics of rural–urban mental health disparities in later life in China. Aging & Mental Health.

2022   The validity of the residuals approach to measuring resilience to adverse childhood experiences. Cahill S., Hager R., Chandola T. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health

2022   Home modifications and disability outcomes: A longitudinal study of older adults living in England. Chandola T., Rouxel P. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe

2022   Genetic Variants Associated With Resilience in Human and Animal Studies. Cahill S., Chandola T., Hager R. Frontiers in Psychiatry

2022   Adverse employment histories and allostatic load: associations over the working life. Wahrendorf M., Chandola T., Goldberg M., Zins M., Hoven H., Siegrist J. Journal of epidemiology and community health

2022   Understanding the longitudinal dynamics of rural–urban mental health disparities in later life in China. Zhang J., Chandola T., Zhang N. Aging and Mental Health

2022   Biological costs and benefits of social relationships for men and women in adulthood: The role of partner, family and friends. Rouxel P., Chandola T., Kumari M., Seeman T., Benzeval M. Sociology of Health and Illness

2021   The role of workplace accommodations in explaining the disability employment gap in the UK. Chandola T., Rouxel P. Social Science and Medicine

2021   Subjective wellbeing in rural china: How social environments influence the diurnal rhythms of affect. Sun J., Zhang N., Vanhoutte B., Wang J., Chandola T. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

2021   The longitudinal relationship between loneliness, social isolation, and frailty in older adults in England: a prospective analysis. Davies K., Maharani A., Chandola T., Todd C., Pendleton N. The Lancet Healthy Longevity

2021   The Influence of Household Pension Wealth, Partner’s Health and Spousal Employment Status on Heterogeneous Early Retirement Transitions among Women in England. Prattley J., Chandola T. Work, Employment and Society

2020   The mental health impact of COVID-19 and lockdown related stressors among adults in the UK. Chandola T., Kumari M., Booker C.L., Benzeval M.J. Psychological Medicine

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Tarani Chandola

Forthcoming. "Factors Enhancing the Moving Intention from More Developed to Less Developed Area" Chinese Journal of Sociology (Cheng Chou and Eric Fong)

Forthcoming “Compressed Modernity in Taiwan: Fathers Becoming the Sole Influencer on National Identity” China Quarterly (Yun-Tzu Chang and Eric Fong)

2023. “Negative Sentiment Towards Recent Migrants in a Post-Colonial City: A case study in Hong Kong.” International Migration Review 57(2): 810-838 (Eric Fong and Biyang Sun)

2023. "Income difference between highly educated migrants and highly educated local-born workers in urban China." Population, Space and Place 29:e2701.  (Xiaoman Wu and Eric Fong).

2023. "Income Differences of Chinese Sub-ethnic Groups in Canada." Population Research and Policy Review 42, 26 (Eric Fong and Pui Kwan Man)

2023. A gendered analysis of family, work, social spheres and life satisfaction: The case of highly educated migrants in Hong Kong. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 32(1): 129-151 (Puk Kwan Man, Rebecca Yiqing Gan, and Eric Fong)

2023. “Support or Burden? Mental health and transnational family contact among female migrant domestic workers in Hong Kong” Population, Space, and Place 29 (2): e2617 (Yingtong Lai and Eric Fong)

2023. "Social and economic integration of highly educated/high-skilled migrants in East and Southeast Asia: Overview of the Special Issue." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 32(1): 3-9.

2023."Taking Care of Elderly Parents or Children: How arethey related to the decision to hire foreign domestic helper?" Journal of Family Issue 44(12): 3222-3249 (Eric Fong and Kumiko Shibuya)

2023. “The Challenge of Retaining Highly Educated Migrants in Tourism Destinations: Case Comparison of Macau and Hong Kong “ Cities 137 (June), 104286 (Yun-Tzu Chang and Eric Fong)

2023. "Entry visa categories, current experiences and future expectations of highly educated migrants and their intention to stay." Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 32(1):152-172 (Kenny Shui, Kelvin Ka Wang Lam, Julie Chen, and Eric Fong)

2023. “The Representation of Ethnic Economies in Industry Clusters and the Earnings Differences of Ethnic Members from Others:  A case of Chinese in Canada” Journal of Social Issues 78(3): 563-580 (Eric Fong and Binbin Shu)

2023. "Well-being of migrants and immigrants: Perspectives in Asia and from Asians in North America." Journal of Social Issues 78(3): 489-501 (Yuying Tong and Eric Fong)

Prof Eric W C Fong

Han, Sinn Won, Ohjae Gowen, and Mary C. Brinton. “When Mothers Do It All: Gender-Role Norms, Women’s Employment, and Fertility Intentions in Postindustrial Societies.” Accepted at European Sociological Review.

Han, Sinn Won. Forthcoming. “When Kids Are a Burden: Understanding the Normative Sources of Negative Perceptions of Parenthood.” Population and Development Review. (

Han, Sinn Won. 2022. “Is It Only a Numbers Game? A Macro-Level Study of Educational Hypogamy.” Demography 59(4): 1571-1593. (

Han, Sinn Won, and Mary C. Brinton. 2022. “Theories of Postindustrial Fertility Decline: An Empirical Examination.” Population and Development Review 48(2): 303-330. (

Prof Sinn Won Han

Peer-reviewed publications:

2023.  (Forthcoming) “Charismatic Mimicry: Innovation and Imitation in the Case of Volodymyr Zelensky.”  Sociological Theory.  (with Dominik Zelinsky).

2023. (Forthcoming)  “In the Name of Love or Hatred: A systematic comparison between filicide-suicide and mariticide/uxoricide-suicide in Hong Kong.” European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research (with Wai Kiu Leung).

2023 (Forthcoming). “Morality from the Mountaintop: A Comparison of Philosophical and Narrative Approaches to increasing the good.” In, Good Stories: Telling Against Trouble. Presser, Lois, Sveinung Sandberg, and Jennifer Fleetwood, eds, NYU Press.

2022.   “Berserk!:  Anger and the Charismatic Populism of Donald Trump.” Critical Sociology.  48(6): 1073–1087 (with Dominik Zelinsky).

2022.  “Transboundary air pollution and cross-border cooperation: Insights from marine vessel emissions regulations in Hong Kong and Shenzhen.” Sustainable Cities and Society.   Online first. (with Kim, Seung Kyum, Terry van Gevelt, and Mia M. Bennett).

2021. “Urban Agglomeration Worsens Spatial Disparities in Climate Adaptation.” Scientific Reports 11(8446): 1-11.  (with Seung Kyum Kim, Mia M. Bennett, and Terry van Gevelt).

2021.  “Narratives of Rebellion.”  European Journal of Criminology.   18(5): 735-754.

2021. “Folk Devils: from Youthful Innocence to Conceptual Maturity.” In, Martin Demant Frederiksen and Harboe Knudsen, eds. Modern Folk Devils: The Construction of Evil in the Contemporary World.  Helsinki University Press, pp. 263–269.

2020.  “Gender and Charismatic Power.”. Theory and Society, 49(4): 533-561 (first author, with Robin D. Willey).

  • 2021 American Sociological Association Junior Theorist Award.

2020.”Impacts of Green Infrastructure on Flood Risk Perceptions in Hong Kong.”  Climatic Change (with Seung Kyum. Kim, Mia Bennet, and Terry van Gevelt). Online first:

2020. “The Evolution of Protest Policing in a Hybrid Regime.”  British Journal of Criminology 60(6): 1523-1546 (with Peng Wang and Cho Lok Lee).

  • 2021 American Sociological Association Global and Transnational Sociology Best Scholarly Article Award – Honorable Mention.

2020. “Ethnography in Calamitous Times.”  Italian Journal of Ethnography and Qualitative Research 2:175-184 (with Cheris Shun-ching Chan, Xiaoli Tian, and Sylvia J. Martin).

Joosse, Paul.  2020.  “‘The Long and ‘Hot’ Summer is Coming’: Environmental Community Activism, the State, and the Move Toward Violent Confrontation.”  In, Seasonal Sociology, Tonya Davidson and Ondine Park, eds. University of Toronto Press, pp. 311-326.

2018.  “Countering Trump: Toward a Theory of Charismatic Counter-Roles.”  Social Forces.  97(2): 921-944.  doi: 10.1093/sf/soy036

  • 2020 International Sociological Association Junior Theorist Prize.

2018. “Expanding Moral Panic Theory to Include the Agency of Charismatic Entrepreneurs.”  British Journal of Criminology 58(4): 993-1012.  doi.10.1093/bjc/azx047

  • 2019 Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) Outstanding Article Award, Theory Division.

  • 2018 University of Hong Kong Research Output Prize (Faculty of Social Sciences).

2017.  “Max Weber’s Disciples: Theorizing the Charismatic Aristocracy.” Sociological Theory 35(4): 334-358.

  • 2018 American Sociological Association Clifford Geertz Prize – Best Article in the Sociology of Culture.

  • 2019 American Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Section’s Distinguished Article Award – Honorable Mention.​

2017. “Leaderless Resistance and the Loneliness of Lone Wolves: Exploring the Rhetorical Dynamics of Lone-Actor Violence.” Terrorism and Political Violence 29(1): 52-78.

2015. “Narratives and Counternarratives: Somali-Canadians on Recruitment as Foreign Fighters to al-Shabaab.British Journal of Criminology, 55(4): 811-832 (with Sandra Bucerius and Sara K. Thompson).

2014. “Becoming a God: Max Weber and the Social Construction of Charisma.” Journal of Classical Sociology 14.3: 266-283.

2014. “Anti-globalization and Radical Environmentalism: an exchange on Ethical Grounds.Ethics in Progress Quarterly 5.1: 33-51.

2012 “Elves, Environmentalism, and ‘Eco-Terror’: Leaderless Resistance and Media Coverage of the Earth Liberation Front.Crime, Media, Culture, 8.1: 75-93.

2012. “The Presentation of the Charismatic Self in Everyday Life: Reflections on a Canadian New Religious Movement.Sociology of Religion, 73.2: 174-199.

  • 2012. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) Graduate Student Essay Contest, 1st Place

2007. “Leaderless Resistance and Ideological Inclusion: the Case of the Earth Liberation Front.Terrorism and Political Violence, 19.3: 351-368.

  • 2007. Western Society of Criminology, Best Student Paper Award, 1st Place

2006. “Silence, Charisma and Power: the Case of John de Ruiter.Journal of Contemporary Religion, 21.3 (October) 2006: 355-371.

  • 2006. Canadian Society for the Study of Religion (CSSR) Graduate Student Essay Contest, 2nd Place.

Research reports:

Thompson, Sara K., Sandra Bucerius, Paul Joosse, Kelsi Barkway, Katharina Maier, Kieren Szuchewycz. 2014. Collective Efficacy and Cultural Capital: Building and Fostering Resilience in Different Ethnic Communities. Report for Public Safety Canada.

Joosse, Paul. 2013. Mobilizing Rhetoric in Asymmetrical Warfare: the Origins of ‘Leaderless Resistance.’ Report for Public Safety Canada.

Non-refereed publications:

2010. “Ludwig’s Arrest may have had more to do with Olympics than Evidence.” The Edmonton Journal (January 12) (reprinted in The Vancouver Sun, The Calgary Herald, The BC Province, The Saskatoon StarPhoenix, and The Victoria Times-Colonist).

2009. “Investigation Eroding Confidence.” The Saskatoon Star Phoenix, p. A6, August 12, 2009.

2009. “Tomslake’s Whodunit.” The Calgary Herald, p. A11, August 4, 2009.

2008. “RCMP Blows Pipeline Bomb Investigation.” The Calgary Herald, p. A9, December 15.

2008. “Is it only a ‘crazed’ individual behind pipeline bombings?“ The Vancouver Sun, p. A7, November 24.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Paul Joosse

Kaneko, H., and Travis S.K. Kong. In press. “East Asian Sexualities”. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of LGBTQ Studies, edited by Abbie Goldberg. London: SAGE.

Lee, Barry M.W., and Travis S.K. Kong. In press. “Doing Complex Intimacy in the Later Life of Chinese Gay Men in Hong Kong.” In Later Life Sex and Intimacy in the Majority World, edited by Krystal Nandini Ghisyawan, Debra A. Harley, Shanon Shah, and Paul Simpson. Bristol, UK: Bristol University Press (Policy Press).

Kong, T.S.K. 2023a. “Disclosure as Family Practice: Changes in Hong Kong Family Dynamics after a Gay Son Comes Out.” Sociology Compass.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2023b. “Generational Masculinities: Two Generations of Chinese Gay Men in Hong Kong.” In Ageing, Men and Social Relations, edited by Paul Willis, Ilkka Pietilä, and Marjaana Seppänen, 35–50. Bristol: The Bristol University Press.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2023c. Sexuality and the Rise of China: The Post-1990s Gay Generation in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China. Durham: Duke University Press. (xviii, 237 pp.)

Kong, Travis S.K., and Arlene Stein, eds. 2023. Special Issue: Ken Plummer. Sexualities 26 (4).

Stein, Arlene and Travis S.K. Kong. 2023. “A Very Risky Queer Thing to Do: In Conversation with Ken Plummer.” Sexualities 26 (4): 419–42.

Lee, Barry M.W., and Travis S. K. Kong. 2022. “Toward Social Inclusion: Participatory Action Research (PAR) with Older Gay Men in Hong Kong.” In Handbook of Social Inclusion, Research and Practices in Health and Social Sciences, edited by Pranee Liamputtong, 1645–61. Cham: Springer.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2021a. “Be a Responsible and Respectable Man: Two Generations of Chinese Gay Men Accomplishing Masculinity in Hong Kong.” Men and Masculinities 24 (1): 64–83.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2021b. “Interview with Professor Stevi Jackson.” Sexualities 24 (3): 491–511.

Kong, Travis S. K., Hsiao-wei Kuan, Sky H. L. Lau, and Sara L. Friedman. 2021. “LGBT Movements in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China.” In Oxford Encyclopedia of LGBT Politics and Policy, edited by D. Haider-Markel and C. Rimmerman. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Yau, A. C. H., and Travis S. K. Kong. 2021. “One Country, Two Men: The Making of Occupational Masculinities by Male-Male Sex Workers in Hong Kong and Mainland China.” In The Routledge Handbook of Male Sex Work, Culture and Society, edited by John Scott, Christian Grov, and Victor Minichiello, 555–570. London: Routledge.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2020a. “The Pursuit of Masculinity by Young Gay Men in Neoliberal Hong Kong and Shanghai.” Journal of Youth Studies 23 (8): 1004–21.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2020b. “Toward a Transnational Queer Sociology: Historical Formation of Tongzhi Identities and Cultures in Hong Kong and Taiwan (1980s-1990s) and China (Late 1990s-Early 2000s).” Journal of Homosexuality 69 (3): 474–98.

Kong, Travis S. K., and Karen Joe Laidler. 2020. “The Paradox for Chem-Fun and Gay Men: A Neoliberal Analysis of Drugs and HIV/AIDS Policies in Hong Kong.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 52 (1): 77–85.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2019a. Oral Histories of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong: Unspoken but Unforgotten. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. (ix, 189 pp)

Kong, Travis S.K. 2019b. Review of Bao Hongwei (2018), Queer Comrades: Gay Identity and Tongzhi Activism in Postsocialist China. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, International Institute for Asian Studies, Newsletter, Summer 2019.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2019c. “Transnational Queer Sociological Analysis of Sexual Identity and Civic‐political Activism in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.” The British Journal of Sociology 70 (5): 1904–25.

Kong, Travis S. K., Sky H. L. Lau, and Amory H. W. Ho. 2019. “Tongzhi.” In Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History, edited by Howard Chiang, Anjali Arondekar, Marc Eppr1echt, Jennifer Evans, Ross G. Forman, and Hanadi Al-Samman. 1603–1609. Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons.

Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2018a.《華人男同志跨地域研究》[Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy] (In Chinese). 香港:香港中文大學出版社 [Hong Kong: The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press]. (xxxvi, 405 pp)

Kong, Travis S.K. 2018b. “Gay and Grey: Participatory Action Research in Hong Kong.” Qualitative Research 18 (3): 257–72.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2018c. “Tracking Gay and Lesbian/Queer Studies in Sexualities.” Sexualities 21 (8): 1216–23.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2017. “Sex and Work on the Move: Money Boys in Post-Socialist China.” Urban Studies 54 (3): 678–94.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2016a. “Buying Sex as Edgework: Hong Kong Male Clients in Commercial Sex.” British Journal of Criminology 56 (1): 105–22.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2016b. “The Sexual in Chinese Sociology: Homosexuality Studies in Contemporary China.” The Sociological Review 64 (3): 495–514.

Kong, Travis S. K., Sky H. L. Lau, and Eva C. Y. Li. 2016. “Sexual Cultures in Asia.” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer. London: Blackwell.

Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2015a. “導讀:身體政治與性/別再現” [Introduction: Body Politics and Gender/Sex] in 《性/別政治與本土起義》Gender/Sexual Politics in Hong Kong, edited by Wong Wai-ching 黃慧貞 and Choi Po King 蔡寶瓊, 130–136. Hong Kong: Commercial Press.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2015b. Purchasing Sex, Consuming Love? A Qualitative Study of Hong Kong Men Who Buy Sex. [Full report]. Centre for Criminology, The University of Hong Kong (online).

Kong, Travis S. K. 2015c. “Romancing the Boundary: Client Masculinities in the Chinese Sex Industry.” Culture, Health & Sexuality 17 (7): 810–24.

Kong, Travis S. K., Sky H. L. Lau, and Eva C. Y. Li. 2015. “The Fourth Wave? A Critical Reflection on Tongzhi Movement in Hong Kong.” In The Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia, edited by Mark McLelland and Vera Mackie, 188–201. London: Routledge.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2014a. “Male Sex Work in China.” In Male Sex Work and Society, edited by Victor Minichiello and John Scott, 314–41. New York: Harrington Press.

Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2014b.《男男正傳:香港年長男同志口述史》 [Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong] (In Chinese), 香港:進一步 [Hong Kong: Stepforward Multimedia, Ltd.]. (233 pp)

Kong, Travis S.K. 2012a. “A Fading Queer Heterotopia: Hong Kong Older Gay Men’s Queer Use of Spaces.” Sexualities 15 (8): 896–916.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2012b. “Chinese Male Bodies: A Transnational Study of Masculinity and Sexuality.” In Routledge Handbook of Body Studies, edited by Bryan Turner, 289–306. London: Routledge.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2012c. “Reinventing the Self under Socialism: The Case of Migrant Male Sex Workers in China.” Critical Asian Studies 44 (2): 283–308.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2012d. “Sex Entrepreneurs in the New China.” Contexts 11 (3): 28–33.

Altman, Dennis, Peter Aggleton, Michael Williams, Travis Kong, Vasu Reddy, David Harrad, Toni Reis, and Richard Parker. 2012. “Men Who Have Sex with Men: Stigma and Discrimination.” The Lancet 380 (9839): 439–45.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2011a. Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy. London: Routledge. (xxiv, 296 pp)

Kong, Travis S. K. 2011b. “Sexualizing Asian Male Bodies.” In Introducing the New Sexuality Studies (2nd edition), edited by Steven Seidman, Nancy Fischer, and Chet Meeks, 84–88. New York: Routledge.

Kong, Travis. 2011c. “Transnational Queer Labour: The “Circuits of Desire” of Money boys in China.” English Language Notes 49 (1): 139–44.

Kong, Travis S.K., Karen Joe Laidler, and Herbert Pang. 2011. “Relationship Type, Condom Use and HIV/AIDS Risks among Men Who Have Sex with Men in Six Chinese Cities.” AIDS Care 24 (4): 517–28.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2010a. “Outcast Bodies: Money, Sex and Desire of Money Boys in Mainland China.” In As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexuality and Gender in Mainland China and Hong Kong, edited by Ching Yau, 17–35. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2010b. Review of Loretta Wing Wah Ho (2010), Gay and Lesbian Subculture in Urban China (London: Routledge). Pacific Affairs 83 (4): 66–67.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2009a. “More than a Sex Machine: Accomplishing Masculinity among Chinese Male Sex Workers in the Hong Kong Sex Industry.” Deviant Behavior 30 (8): 715–45.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2009b. “Where is My Brokeback Mountain?” Doing Families in Hong Kong, Special issue, Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, 135–59.

Kong, T. S. K. 2008. “Risk Factors Affecting Condom Use among Male Sex Workers Who Serve Men in China: A Qualitative Study.” Sexually Transmitted Infections 84 (6): 444–48.

Wong, W. C., and T. S. Kong. 2007. “To Determine Factors in an Initiation of a Same-sex Relationship in Rural China: Using Ethnographic Decision Model.” AIDS Care 19 (7): 850–57.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2006a. “Asian Sexual Cultures.” In Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by George Ritzer, 4213–18. London: Blackwell.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2006b. “Multiple Entries [22].” In Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture, edited by David A. Gerstner. New York: Routledge.

Kong Shiu-ki 江紹祺. 2006c. “基出我天地: 邊緣、社群與香港男同志” [Queering the City: Marginality, Community and Hong Kong Male Tongzhi]. In《性政治》 [Sexual Politics], edited by 游靜 Yau Ching, 182–205. Hong Kong: Cosmosbooks.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2006d. “Sexualizing Asian Male Bodies.” In Introducing The New Sexuality Studies (1st edition), edited by Steven Seidman, Nancy Fischer, and Chet Meeks, 90-95. New York: Routledge.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2006e. “What It Feels Like for a Whore: The Body Politics of Women Performing Erotic Labour in Hong Kong.” Gender, Work and Organization 13 (5): 409–34.

Wong, W. C., J. Zhang, S. C. Wu, T. S. Kong, and D. C. Ling. 2006. “The HIV-related Risks among Men Having Sex with Men in Rural Yunnan, China: A Qualitative study.” Sexually Transmitted Infections 82 (2): 127–30.

Kong, Travis S. K. 2005a. “Queering Masculinity in Hong Kong Movies.” In Masculinities and Hong Kong Cinema, edited by L. K. Pang and D. Wong, 57–80. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2015b. Purchasing Sex, Consuming Love? A Qualitative Study of Hong Kong Men Who Buy Sex. [Full report]. Centre for Criminology, The University of Hong Kong (online).

Kong, Travis S.K. 2005c. The Hidden Voice: The Sexual Politics of Hong Kong Male Sex Workers. [Research Report Series No.10]. Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Tam, May 譚若梅, Ku, Hok-bun 古學斌, and Travis Kong 江紹祺, eds. 2005. 《公民身份的再思與打造: 華人社會的社會排斥與邊緣性》 [Rethinking and Recasting Citizenship: Social Exclusion and Marginality in Chinese Societies.] 香港理工大學應用社會科學系社會政策研究中心 Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2004. “Queer at Your Own Risk: Marginality, Community and Hong Kong Gay Male Bodies.” Sexualities 7 (1): 5–30.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2003. Review of James Farrer (2002), Opening Up: Youth Sex Culture and Market Reform in Shanghai (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press). Sexualities 6 (3–4): 489–91.

Kong, Travis S.K., and Zi Teng. 2003. A Research Report on the Working Experiences of Hong Kong’s Female Sex Workers. [Research Report Series No. 8]. Hong Kong: Centre for Social Policy Studies, Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Zi Teng.

Kong, Travis S.K. 2002. “The Seduction of the Golden Boy: The Body Politics of Hong Kong Gay Men.” Body & Society 8 (1): 29–48.×02008001002.

Kong, Travis S. K., K. Plummer, and D. Mahoney. 2002. “Queering the Interview.” In Handbook of Interview Research: Context & Method, edited by Jaber F. Gubrium and James A. Holstein, 239–58. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Selected videos

Kong, Travis S.K. (Director). 2022. Intergenerational Memba: LGBTQ History in Hong Kong (, Community Project with Grey and Pride (Short video, 8 min).

Kong, Travis S.K. (Director). 2020. Gay & Grey ( (Short video, 4:02 mins).

Kong, Travis S .K. (Director). 2020. Unheard Voices: Older Tongzhi in Hong Kong (, Knowledge Exchange Project, HKU (short video, 8:06 mins).

Kong, Travis S.K. (Director) and Faculty of Social Sciences (FOSS). 2017. Personal Empowerment and Collective Transformation (, Faculty of Social Sciences, HKU (short video, 4:38 mins).

Kong, Travis S.K. (Director). 2014. Gay and Grey: Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong (, Knowledge Exchange Project, HKU (Short video, 13:29 mins).

Selected conference presentations


Kong, Travis S.K. (2018, 7-8 December). “Seeking Space, Voice, Dignity: Minorities, Gender and Sexuality.” International Conference on Gender, Sexuality and Justice: Resilience in Uncertain Times, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2015, 7 July). “The Secret Garden: Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong.” Intersections of Ageing, Gender, Sexualities (i-ages), University of Surrey, United Kingdom.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 25 April). “Dreams and Dislocation: The Challenges Facing Rural-to-urban Migrant Male Sex Workers (‘Money Boys’) in Contemporary China.” Behind the Façade: Inter-Disciplinary Perspectives in Macao, University of Macau, Macau.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2011, 3-4 June). “Sex and Work on the Move: The Case of China’s Rural-to-urban Migrant Male Sex Workers.” International Conference on Gender and Policy, Shantou University, Shantou, China.


Kong, Travis S.K. (2007, 19-22 July). Final plenary discussion at Cultural Studies Now: An International Conference [Key speaker], University of East London, United Kingdom.

Other conference presentations

Joe-Laidler, Karen, Kate Lowe, and Travis S.K. Kong. (2023, 2-8 September). “The Trouble with ‘Outsiders’.” [Online paper presentation], Embracing Trouble: New Ways of Doing, Being and Knowing. Sixth Contemporary Drug Problems Conference. Forum 104, Paris, France.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2023, 19-20 June).Continuity and Change across Two Generations of Chinese Gay Men in Hong Kong, Intimacy and Family Life.” Sympoisum on Intimacy and Family Life: Multiple Perspectives, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2023, 3 June). “The Mobility of Sexual Citizenship.” Ken Plummer’s Rememberance Conference, University of Essex, United Kingdom. [Invited]

Joe-Laidler, Karen, Lau, Sky H.L., Kong, Travis S.K., and Law, Frances Y.W. (2023, 16-19 April). “Chem fun in the Hong Kong MSM Community and Harm Reduction.” [Poster presentation]. Harm Reduction International Conference, Melbourne.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2022, 31 March). “Transnational Queer Sociology: Young Gay Sexualities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.” Panel on Gender and Sexuality, Rethinking Sociological Theory in Asia, Baptist University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2021, 9 December). “Toward a Transnational Queer Sociology: Historical Formation of Tongzhi Identities and Cultures in Hong Kong and Taiwan (1980s–1990s) and China (late 1990s–early 2000s)” [Outstanding paper presention], Hong Kong Studies Annual Conference 2020-2021, Hong Kong Education University, Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2019, 1-4 July). “Transnational Queer Sociology.”, Panel: Queer Asia 1: Issues and Directions in Comparative Queer Asian Studies, AAS-in-Asia, Bangkok, Thailand.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2019, 1-3 July). “Gay & Grey in Hong Kong: Transformation of an Oral History Project to Participatory Action Research.”, Panel: Ageing & Sexuality: Qualitative Studies and Methodological Notes on Older Gay Men and Lesbians in Hong Kong and Singapore, AAS-in-Asia, Bangkok, Thailand.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2018, 9 May). Panel 4: “Cross Cultural, Social and Historical.” International Conference on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Status Research: Data Collection, Analysis, Social and Policy Engagement, The Sexualities Research Programme and the Gender Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2018, 14 April). “A Translocal Study of Young Gay Identities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China.” Queer Asia Comparative Forum,Global Asian Research Center, National Taiwan Universtiy, Taiwan. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2017, 8 April). “Rethinking Chinese Sociology of Homosexuality in Contemporary China.” Symposium on Movements of Desires: Identity Politics, Consumption and Citizen-making in China and Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2015, 25 August). “The Secret Garden: Oral History of Older Gay Men in Hong Kong.” Thematic Session on Gender and Sexuality in East Asia, Sexualities in the Social World, American Sociological Association 2015 Annual Meeting, Chicago, United States [Invited session organizer and speaker].

Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 15 July). “Titanic and McSex: Accomplishing Masculinities among Chinese Men Who Buy Sex.”, Ad Hoc Session “Exploring Hegemonic Masculinities in the World Gender Order from the East and the South,” XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Yokohama, Japan.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 10 June). “On the Edge: Chinese Men Negotiating Thrill and Control in Commercial Sex.” Symposium on Masculinities, Modernity and Heteronormativity in the UK and South China, University of York, United Kingdom.  [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 23-25 May). “Between Chicken Worm and Sunken Boat: Bounded Masculinity in the Chinese Sex Industry.” Neo-moralism under Neo-liberalism International Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2014, 21-22 February). “Intertwining intimacies and the Male Client in the Chinese Sex Industry.” 2014 International Symposium on Multiple Crises and Sustainable Social Integration in Contemporary Societies, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2013, 29 November). “Consuming Love, Purchasing Sex: Masculinity of Male Clients in the Chinese Sex Industry.” Chinese Masculinities on the Move: Time, Space and Cultures – An International Conference, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2012, 25-28 July). “The Secret Garden: Older Gay Men’s Creation of Queer Counterpublics in Colonial and Post-colonial Hong Kong.”, Queering Paradigm IV, the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Applied Linguistics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the Graduate Program in Social Memory at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), and the Brazilian Association of Applied Linguistics (ALAB), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2012, 9-11 June). “Money, Migration, and Market Reform: The Case of Male Sex Workers in Contemporary China.” International Conference on Gender Research in Chinese Studies, Nanjing-Brown Joint in Gender Studies and the Humanities, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2012, 24 May). “The Forgotten and the Invisible: Older Gay Men’s Negotiation of Intimacy in Hong Kong.” Symposium on Beyond the East West Divide: Gender, Intimacy and Modernity, Department of Sociology and Department of Social Work and Administration, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2011, 3 December). “Where Has the Secret Garden Gone? Older Gay Men’s Negotiation of Queer Space in Colonial and Postcolonial Hong Kong.”, Global Sociology for a Global World, The Hong Kong Sociological Association 13th Annual Conference, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2011, 10 October). “Queer Generation 1: Older Gay Men’s Boundary Crossing in Colonial Hong Kong.” Boundary Crossing: Sex and Gender in Context, Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, Tokyo, Japan.[Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K., and Jianhua Xu (2011, 3-4 June). “The Road of No Return for the Money Boy: The Dilemma of Leaving the Sex Industry for Male Sex Workers in China.”, International Conference on Gender and Policy, Shantou University, Shantou, China.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2010, 2 October). “The ‘Bare Life’ of Money Boys: Transgression in Sexual Contact Zones of Rural-to-urban Male Sex Workers in Mainland China.” Sexual Boundary Crossing and Sexual Contact Zones in East Asia, Sophia University Institute of Comparative Culture, Tokyo, Japan [Virtual presentation] [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2010, 17-18 April). “Outcast Bodies that Travel: Transnational Migrant Citizenship of Money Boys in China.” Reinstating Transgression: Emerging Political Economies of Queer Space, American University, Washington DC, United States. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2009, 22-24 July). “Sex and Work in a Queer Time and Place: Identity Politics of Citizenship of Male Sex Workers in China.”, ISA-ABRI Joint International Meeting: Diversity and Inequality in World Politics, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2009, 15-18 April). “Money, Desire and Citizenship: Negotiating Urban Citizenship among Rural-to-urban Migrant Male Sex Workers in China.” The VII IASSCS Conference: Contested Innocence – Sexual Agency in Public and Private Space, Hanoi, Vietnam.

Wong, William C.W., and Travis S.K. Kong (2009, 18-20 June). “To Determine Factors in an Initiation of a Same-sex Relationship in Rural China: Using Ethnographic Decision Model.”, The Second International Conference on Sexualities in China, Renmin University, Beijing, China.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2009, 18-20 June). “Bodies that Travel: Citizenship Formation of ‘Money Boys’ in Urban China.”, The Second International Conference on Sexualities in China, Renmin University, Beijing, China. [Regional]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2007, 19-22 July). “My Own Private IDAHO: Notes on the Queer Sexual Culture in Post-colonial Hong Kong.” [Paper presentation], Cultural Studies Now: An International Conference, University of East London, United Kingdom.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2007, 10 March). “My Own Private IDAHO: Notes on the Queer Sexual Culture in Post-colonial Hong Kong.” Workshop on Bodies and Urban Spaces, Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. [Invited]

Kong, Travis S.K. (2006, 11 November). “Where is my Brokeback Mountain?” Doing Families in Hong Kong, Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

Kong, Travis S.K. (2006, 26-29 June). “Repositioning the Asian Diasporic Male Bodies.” Asia Reconstructed: From Critique of Development to Postcolonial Studies, the 16th Biennial Conference of the Asian Studies Association of Australia, University of Wollongong, Australia.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Travis S K Kong

Ladegaard, I. (2024). Cleansing frames: How digital ‘consumer reports’ of cannabis and psychedelics normalise drug-taking and neutralise its counter-cultural potential. Sociology, 58(1), 100-117.

Benier, K., Faulkner, N., Ladegaard, I., & Wickes, R. (2024). Reducing Islamophobia through Conversation: A Randomized Control Trial. Social Psychology Quarterly, 01902725231217246.

Ladegaard, I., Ravenelle, A. J., & Schor, J. (2022). ‘God Is Protecting Me… And I Have Mace’: Defensive Labour In Precarious Workplaces. The British Journal of Criminology, 62(3), 773-789.  

Ladegaard, I. (2020). Open secrecy: How police crackdowns and creative problem-solving brought illegal markets out of the shadows. Social Forces, 99(2), 532-559.

Prof Isak Ladegaard

Recent publications:

Lowe, K. and Joe Laidler, K. (2023) Bag Politics and ‘Wall’ Street Capital: The Role of Social Capital in Social Supply Networks and Broader Society amongst Privileged Cocaine Users. Deviant Behavior.

Fraser, A., and Joe Laidler, K. (2023). Gangs and the Gig Economy: Triads, Precarity and Illicit Work in Hong Kong. The British Journal of Criminology. Online first.

Xuan NIU and Karen J. Laidler (2023) Intimacy, gender, and ethnicity: non-monogamous relationship dynamics among the Hui in Northwest China. Sexualities. Online first.

Joe Laidler, K. A. (2021). Killing in the name of the war on drugs. International journal on drug policy, 92: 103302

Selected Journal Articles:

Coomber, R. et al., (2018) The burgeoning recognition and accommodation of the social supply of drugs in international criminal justice systems: An eleven nation comparative overview.  International Journal of Drug Policy. P. 93-103.

Joe-Laidler, K.A., Lee, M., and Wong, G. (2017) Doing Criminology on Crime and Media in Asia. Crime, Media and Culture. 13(2): 135-151.

Cassini Sai Kwan Chu & Karen Joe Laidler (2016) Becoming a Male Client of Compensated Dating, Deviant Behavior, 37:1, 47-65

Moloney, M., Hunt, G., & Joe-Laidler, K. (2015). Drug sales, gender, and risk: Notions of risk from the perspective of gang-involved young adults. Substance use & misuse, 50(6), 721-732.

Joe-Laidler, K., Hunt, G., & Moloney, M. (2014). ‘Tuned Out or Tuned In’: Spirituality and Youth Drug Use in Global Times. Past & present, 222(Suppl 9), 61-80.

Niu, X., & Laidler, K. A. (2014). Understanding Domestic Violence Against Muslim Women in China. Feminist Criminology.

Dean, M., & Laidler, K. A. J. (2014). Leveling the playing field through Facebook: how females construct online playspaces. Journal of Youth Studies, 17(1), 113-129.

Lee, M., & Laidler, K. J. (2013). Doing criminology from the periphery: Crime and punishment in Asia. Theoretical Criminology. 17(2): 141-157.

Selected Book Chapters:

McDonald, T. and Laidler, K.A. (2018) Negotiating the ethics of gendered online spaces in Mainland China and Hong Kong. Tolich, M. and  Ifophen, R. (eds.) The Sage Handbook in Qualitative Research Ethics. Sage: Thousand Oaks.

Laidler, K. J. (2016). Criminological Perspectives. The SAGE Handbook of Drug & Alcohol Studies: Social Science Approaches, 1673.

Hunt, G., & Joe‐Laidler, K. (2015). The culture and subcultures of illicit drug use and distribution. The Handbook of Drugs and Society, 460.

Laidler, K. J., & Lee, M. (2015). Border trading and policing of everyday life in Hong Kong. The Routledge handbook on crime and international migration, 316-328.

Selected Recent Invited Talks

Laidler, K. (2018) Overview of Regional Drug Threats and Policy Responses in Retentionist States. United Nations Expert Panel Meetings on Drug Related Offenses, Criminal Justice Responses and the Use of the Death Penalty in South East Asia, The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Response to UNGASS 2016. (Feb)

Laidler, K. (2017) Criminology and Knowledge Production in the Greater China Region.  University of Macau. Macau. (Feb 16).

Laidler, K. (2017) Gone South: Thinking about Crime and Its Control in the Greater China Region University of Glasgow. (March)

Laidler, K. (2017) Girls, Drugs and the Governance of the Body. School of Social and Political Sciences. University of Melbourne. (July)

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Karen A Joe Laidler


Handbook on Border Criminology (2024) (Mary Bosworth, Katja Franko, Maggy Lee and Rimple Mehta eds.), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Trafficking and Global Crime Control (2011), London: Sage.

Human Trafficking (2007, ed.), Cullompton: Willan.

Journal articles:

‘The Externalization of Border Control in the Global South: The cases of Malaysia and Indonesia’ (2022), Theoretical Criminology

‘Beyond the “All Seeing Eye”: Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers’ Contestation of Care and Control in Hong Kong’ (with M. Johnson, M. McCahill and R. Mesina (2019), Ethnos, DOI: 10.1080/00141844.2018.1545794

‘One World Is Not Enough: The Structured Phenomenology of Lifestyle Migrants in East Asia’ (with R. Stones, K. Botterill and K. O’Reilly) (2018), British Journal of Sociology, DOI: 10.1111/1468-4446.12357

Doing criminology on media and crime in Asia‘ (with K. Laidler and G. Wong) (2017), Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 13(2): 135-151.

‘Public assessments of the police and policing in Hong Kong’ (with M. Adorjan) (2016), Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, DOI: 10.1177/0004865816656721

Gendered Discipline and Protective Custody of Trafficking Victims in Asia’, Punishment and Society (2014), 16(2): 206-222.

Doing criminology from the periphery: Crime and punishment in Asia’ (with K. Laidler), Theoretical Criminology (2013), 17(2): 141-157.

‘A letter from Bangladesh – Developing gender-responsive community policing in Bangladesh’ (with S.J. Haider) (2012), Crime Prevention and Community Safety, Vol. 14: 69-77..

‘ Women’s imprisonment as a mechanism of migration control in Hong Kong’, British Journal of Criminology, Vol. 47: 847-860.

Book chapters:

'Beyond Fortress Europe: instrumentalised migration management in Central and Eastern Europe' (with Diego Caballero-Vélez and Matthew Light) in Bosworth et al. (2024) (eds.) Handbook on Border Criminology, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

‘Borders and Migrant Domestic Workers’ in Leanne Weber and Claudia Tazreiter (2021) (eds.) Handbook of Migration and Global Justice, Edward Elgar.

‘Re-thinking Public Criminology: Politics, Paradoxes, and Challenges’ (with E. Carrabine and N. South) in K. Henne and R. Shah (eds) (2020), Routledge Handbook of Public Criminologies, New York, NY: Routledge.

‘From Expatriates to New Cosmopolitans? Female Transnational Professionals in Hong Kong’ (with T. Wong) in Lehmann, A.  and Leonard, P. (eds) (2018), Destination China, London: Palgrave Macmillan.

‘Race, Gender, and Surveillance of Migrant Domestic Workers in Asia’ (with M. Johnson and M. McCahill) (2018),  in Bosworth, M., Parmar, A. and Vázquez, Y. (eds), Race, Criminal Justice, and Migration Control – Enforcing the Boundaries of Belonging, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

‘Sex trafficking and control’, in T. Sanders (ed) (2017), The Oxford Handbook of Sex Offences and Sex Offenders, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

‘Public Perceptions of Crime and Safety in Hong Kong’ (with M. Adorjan) (2017), in Chui, E. and Lo, T.W. (eds), Understanding Criminal Justice in Hong Kong, London: Routledge.

Border trading and policing of everyday life in Hong Kong’ (with K. Laidler) in Pickering, S. and Ham, J. (eds) (2014), The Routledge Handbook on Crime and International Migration, London: Routledge.

‘Human Trafficking and Border Control in the Global South’ in K.F. Aas and M. Bosworth (eds) (2013), The Borders of Punishment – Migration, Citizenship, and Social Exclusion, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Maggy S Y Lee

Journal articles:

McDonald, T., & Chow L. (2023). Data by design: Shaping data-producing subjectivities through self-tracking. The Information Society.

Rao, Y., & McDonald, T. (2023). Debt at a distance: Counter-collection strategies and financial subjectivities of China’s working-class defaulters during COVID-19. Economy and Society. 52 (2), 250-273,

McDonald, T. & Li, D. (2022). “Pulling the sheep’s wool”: The labour of online thrift in a Chinese factory. Journal of Consumer Culture. 22 (2), 398-416.

McDonald, T. & Horst, H. (2021). Introduction: Imaginaries of Asian Media Infrastructures. Media International Australia. 181 (1), 3-6.

McDonald T., Shum H. H-K., Wong R. (2021). Payments in the pandemic: orchestrating and imagining cross-boundary digital money infrastructures in China during COVID-19. Media International Australia. 181 (1), 44-56.

McDonald, T. & Guo, Y. (2021). “What would happen if you can’t see your money?”: Visibility and the emergent infrastructures of digital money storage in China. New Media and Society. 23 (4), 715-731.

McDonald, T. & Li, D. (2020). Alipay’s ‘Ant Credit Pay’ meets China’s factory workers: The depersonalisation and re-personalisation of online lending. Journal of Cultural Economy. 14 (1), 87-100.

McDonald, T. (2020). ‘Social’ money and working-class subjectivities: Digital money and migrant labour in Shenzhen, China. The China Quarterly. 242, 397-417.

McDonald, T. (2019). Strangership and social media: Moral imaginaries of gendered strangers in rural ChinaAmerican Anthropologist. 121 (1), 76-88.

Miller, D., et al. (2019). Contemporary comparative anthropology – The Why We Post project. Ethnos. 84 (2), 283-300.

McDonald, T. (2016). Senses, sociality and salons: Medicinal hospitality in a Chinese hair-dresser’s salon. Ethnos, 81 (2), 189-213.

Chan, J.H., et al. (2016). The role of self-gentrification in sustainable tourism: Indigenous entrepreneurship at Honghe Hani Rice Terraces World Heritage Site, ChinaJournal of Sustainable Tourism. 24 (8-9), 1262-1279.

McDonald, T. (2015). Affecting relations: domesticating the internet in a south-western Chinese town. Information, Communication & Society, 18 (1), 17-31.

McDonald, T. (2011). “Cowboy Cloth” and kinship: The closeness of denim consumption in a south-west Chinese city. Textile: The Journal of Cloth and Culture, 9 (1), 76-89.


McDonald, T. (2016). Social Media in Rural China: Social Networks and Moral Frameworks. London: UCL Press.

Miller, D., et al. (2016). How the World Changed Social Media. London: UCL Press.

Book chapters:

McDonald, T., Shum, H. H. K., Wong, K. C. (2022). ‘Mediated money and social relationships among Hong Kong cross-boundary students’. In Costa, E., P. G. Lange, N. Haynes, J. Sinanan (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Media Anthropology. London: Routledge. 301-313.

McDonald, T., et al. (2018). ‘Negotiating the ethics of gendered online spaces in Mainland China and Hong Kong’. In Iphofen, R and M. Tolich (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research Ethics. London: Sage. 526-539.

McDonald, T. & Sinanan, J. (2017). ‘Ethnography’. In Burgess, J., A. Marwick and T. Poell (eds), The Sage Handbook of Social Media, London: Sage. 179-195.

McDonald, T., Nicolescu, R., & Sinanan, J. (2017). ‘Small places turned inside out: social networking in small communities’. In Hjorth, L., H. Horst, A. Galloway and G. Bell (eds), The Routledge Companion to Digital Ethnography, London: Routledge. 89-101.

McDonald, T. (2015). ‘Desiring mobiles, desiring education: mobile phones and families in a rural Chinese Town‘. In S. S. Lim (Ed.), Mobile Communication and the Family: Asian Experiences in Technology Domestication. Dordrecht: Springer. 13-32.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Tom McDonald

Authored books:

Dream Trippers: Global Daoism and the Predicament of Modern Spirituality (University of Chicago Press, 2017, co-authored with Elijah Siegler). Chinese edition, in Open Access: 《夢道華山:全球道教與現代靈性的困境》香港:香港大學出版社。

The Religious Question in Modern China (University of Chicago Press, 2011, co-authored with Vincent Goossaert).

Qigong Fever: Body, Science and Utopia in China (Columbia University Press, 2007; released in paperback 2020).

Edited books:

The Civil Sphere in East Asia, ed. by Jeffrey Alexander, David A. Palmer, Agnes Ku and Sunwoon Park (Cambridge University Press, 2019).

Chinese Religious Life (Oxford University Press, 2012; Chinese edition (中國人的宗教生活) at the Hong Kong University Press, 2014), co-edited with Glenn Shive and Philip WIckeri.

Daoism in the 20th Century: Between Eternity and Modernity (University of California Press, 2012), co-edited with Xun Liu. Available in Open Access

Selected recent articles and book chapters:

Civil Society and Development Studies:

Intimate Utopias: anti‑politics in Chinese civil society (with Rundong Ning). American Journal of Cultural Sociology. 2024.

Warriors of the City State: Chin Wan, Chinese Religion, and Hong Kong Localism. Journal of Asian Studies 83:2 (2024): 347–359.

Ethics of the Heart: Moral Breakdown and the Aporia of Chinese Volunteers” (with Rundong Ning). Current Anthropology 61:4 (2020): 395-417.

Chinese NGOs at the Interface between Governmentality and Local Society: An Actor-Oriented Perspective” (with Qing Liu). China Information (2020), DOI: 10.1177/0920203X20942094

Black Bloc against Red China: Tears and Revenge in the Trenches of the New Cold War”. Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 10:2 (2020).

Neo-Socialist Governmentality: Managing Freedom in the Peoples’ Republic of China (with Fabian Winiger). Economy and Society 48:4 (2019), pp. 554-578

The Civil Sphere in the Cultural and Political Transformations of Modern East Asia”, in Jeffrey Alexander, David A. Palmer, Agnes Ku and Sunwoong Park (eds.), The Civil Sphere in East Asia. Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 1-17.

Three Moral Codes and Micro-Civil Spheres in China,” in Jeffrey Alexander, David A. Palmer, Agnes Ku and Sunwoong Park eds., The Civil Sphere in East Asia. Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 126-147.

Daoism and Chinese Religion:

Ethnography and Manuscripts: New Approaches to the Study of Yao Religion, Studies in Chinese Religions 《華人宗教研究》 19 (2022) 1-11.

〈《老撾藍靛瑤文庫》:探討文本收集、編目、分類和評估的方法與相關問題〉[The Textual Corpus of the Lanten Yao of Laos: Methodological Issues in the Collection, Classification, Cataloguing and Evaluation of Manuscripts.] (with Guo Huiwen, Joseba Estevez et al.)《華人宗教研究 》Studies in Chinese Religions 19: 25-64.

Isomorphic or poly-ontological pluralism? The implications of Chinese religion for covenantal pluralism.In Chris Seiple and Dennis Hoover eds, The Routledge Handbook of Religious Literacy, Pluralism, and Global Engagement, New York: Routledge, 2021, pp. 120-135.

Cosmology, Gender, Structure and Rhythm: Marcel Granet and Chinese Religion in the History of Social Theory.” Review of Religion and Chinese Society 6 (2019): 160-187. Chinese version: 〈葛兰言的中国文明研究对法国人类学理论的影响〉载梁永嘉主编:《人类学研究·第17辑》

Guanyin’s Limbo: Icons as Demi-Persons and Dividual Objects” (with Chip Colwell and Martin Tse). American Anthropologist. Published online first, 23 Aug. 2019.

Occulting the Dao: Daoist Inner Alchemy, French Spiritism and Vietnamese Colonial Modernity in Caodai Translingual Practice (with Jeremy Jammes). Journal of Asian Studies 77:2 (2018), 405-428.

Baháʼí Faith:

The Cosmopolitan Moment in Colonial Modernity: The Bahá’í Faith, Spiritual Networks and Universalist Movements in early Twentieth Century China
(with Zhaoyuan Wan). Modern Asian Studies. Published online first, 2019.

Nurturing Inherent Nobility: Insights on Human Dignity from a Bahá’í Perspective (With Temily Tavangar). Religions 14:2 (2022).

The Bahá’í Faith and Covenantal Pluralism: Promoting Oneness, Respecting Difference (with Temily Tavangar) The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 19:2 (2021), 29-39.

Toward an Expanded Conception of Power: Exploring the Concept of Moral Empowerment Emerging in the Field of Baháʼí-Inspired Education (with Victor Ali), in Simon Shui Man Kwan ed., Asian Spiritualities and Social Transformation, chap. 5. (2023), Springer Nature.

A Baháʼí Perspective on Conscious Capitalism: Working for Individual, Organizational, and Systemic Transformation(with Joseph McCormick) In Michel Dion & Moses Pava eds., Spirit of Conscious Capitalism : Contributions of World Religions and Spiritualities, chap. 17 (2023). Springer Nature.

Religion, Spiritual Principles and Civil Society, in Ben Schewel and Geoff Cameron eds., Religion and Public Discourse in an Age of Transition: Reflections on Baha’i Practice and Thought. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, pp. 37-69.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof David A Palmer

Sendroiu, Ioana. 2022. “‘All the old illusions’: On Guessing at Being in Crisis.” Sociological Theory.

Sendroiu, Ioana. 2022. “From reductive to generative crisis: Polysemous Justifications in Making Sense of COVID-19.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology.

Sendroiu, Ioana, Ron Levi and John Hagan. 2021. “The Structure of Legality and Exclusion:  Discrimination, System Avoidance and Legal Cynicism across the European Roma Experience.” Social Forces.

Sendroiu, Ioana, Laura Upenieks and Markus Schafer. 2021. ”The divergent mental health effects of dashed expectations and unfulfilled aspirations: Evidence from American lawyers’ careers.” Social Psychology Quarterly 84 (4).

Upenieks, Laura, Ioana Sendroiu, Ron Levi, and John Hagan. 2021. “Beliefs about Legality and Benefits for Mental Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 63 (2).

Levi, Ron, Ioana Sendroiu and John Hagan. 2020. “‘America first’ populism, social volatility, and self-reported arrests.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (43): 26703-26709.

Sendroiu, Ioana and Laura Upenieks. 2020. “The Contextual Effect of Trust on Perceived Support: Evidence from Roma and non-Roma in East-Central Europe.” British Journal of Sociology 71 (4): 702-721.

Sendroiu, Ioana. 2019. “Human Rights as Uncertain Performance During the Arab Spring.” Poetics 73: 32-44.

Nelson, Robert, Ioana Sendroiu, Ronit Dinovitzer and Meghan Dawe. 2019. “Perceiving Discrimination: Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in the Legal Workplace.” Law & Social Inquiry 44(4): 1051-82.

Levi, Ron and Ioana Sendroiu. 2019. “Moral Claims and Redress after Atrocity: Economies of Worth across Political Cultures in the Holocaust Swiss Banks Litigation.” Poetics 73: 45-60.

Sendroiu, Ioana and Andreea Mogosanu. 2019. “Does being Roma matter? Ethnic Boundaries and Stigma Spillover in Musical Consumption.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 42 (12): 2047-64.

Prof Ioana Sendroiu

Journal articles:

Tian, Xiaoli and Qian Li. (accepted and forthcoming 2023). “Seeking Certainty in an Asymmetric Relationship: Livestream Shopping in China.” Qualitative Sociology.

Zhang, Long and Xiaoli Tian. (accepted and forthcoming, 2023). Defending the Hospital or Supporting the Complainant: Morality in Medical Disputes. Chinese Sociological Review.

Tian, Xiaoli, Dan Liu and Xiaoyan Han. 2023. “Living in the Shadow of Market Competition: Career Commitment and Orders of Worth of Social Workers in Shanghai”. American Journal of Cultural Sociology. Online first:

Miao, Weishan and Xiaoli Tian. 2022. Accepted and forthcoming. “Persona: How professional women in China negotiate gender performance online.” Social Media and Society.

Tian, Xiaoli and Sai Zhang. 2022. “Expert or experiential knowledge? How knowledge informs situated action in childcare practices.” Social Science & Medicine. Online first:

Deng Yunxue and Xiaoli Tian. 2021. “Triadic Interaction and Collective Bargaining of Autoworkers in South China” Journal of Contemporary China. 31(135): 459-473.

Tian, Xiaoli and Yanan Guo. 2021. “An Online Acquaintance Community: The Emergence of Chinese Virtual Civility.” Symbolic Interaction. 44 (4): 771–797.
A video abstract is available at

Tian, Xiaoli. 2021. “An Interactional Space of Permanent Observability: WeChat and Reinforcing the Power Hierarchy in Chinese Workplaces.” Sociological Forum. 36 (1): 51-69.

Li, Xu-Hong, Tian-Ming Zhang, Yuen Yum Yau, Yi-Zhou Wang, Yin-Ling Irene Wong, Lawrence Yang, Xiao-li Tian Cecilia Lai-Wan Chan and Mao-Sheng Ran. 2020. “Peer-to-peer contact, social support and self-stigma among people with severe mental illness in Hong Kong”. International Journal of Social Psychiatry.

Cheris Shun-ching Chan, Paul Joosse, Sylvia J. Martin, and Xiaoli Tian. 2020. “Ethnography in Calamitous Times.” Special Issue on “Ethnography in the age of Covid-19”, Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa (Italian Journal of Ethnography and Qualitative Research). 2020(2): 175-184.

Tian, Xiaoli. 2019. “The Allure of Being Modern: Personal Quality as Status Symbol Among Migrant Families in Shanghai” Chinese Sociological Review. 51(3): 311-335.​

Tian, Xiaoli. (2019) “Space and Personal Contacts: Cross-Group Interaction between Mainland and Local University Students in Hong KongJournal of Social and Personal Relationships vol. 36(1) 63–82. ​

Lin, Tony Zhiyang and Xiaoli Tian. 2019. “Audience Design and Context Discrepancy: How Online Debates Lead to Opinion Polarization.” Symbolic Interaction. 42(1): 70-97. A video abstract is available at​

Tian, Xiaoli. 2018. “Escaping the interpersonal power game: Online shopping in China.” Qualitative Sociology. 41(4), 545-568.​

Tian, Xiaoli. 2017. “Immediate Context, Life Experiences, and Perception: How Do Rural Migrants in Urban China Perceive an Unfair Policy?” Chinese Sociological Review. 49 (2): 138-161.

Tian, Xiaoli. 2017. “Embodied versus disembodied information: How online artifacts influence offline interpersonal interaction.” Symbolic Interaction. 40 (2): 190-211. ​

Tian, Xiaoli and Yunxue Deng. 2017. “Organizational Hierarchy, Deprived Masculinity, and Confrontational Practices: Men Doing Women’s Jobs in a Global Factory.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography. 46 (4): 464-489.

Tian, Xiaoli and Michael Adorjan. 2016. “Fandom and Coercive Empowerment: The commissioned production of Chinese online literature.” Media, Culture & Society. 38 (6): 881-900.

Tian, Xiaoli , Daniel A. Menchik. 2016. “On Violating One’s Own Privacy: N-adic Utterances and Inadvertent Disclosures in Online Venues.” Studies in Media and Communications, 11: pp. 3 – 30.

Tian, Xiaoli. 2016. “Network Domains in Social Networking Sites: Expectations, Meanings, and Social Capital”. Information, Communication & Society. 19 (2): 188-202.

Tian, Xiaoli. 2015. “Rumor and Secret Space: Organ-Snatching Tales and Medical Missions in Nineteenth-Century China.” Modern China. 41 (2): 197-236.

Menchik, Daniel and Xiaoli Tian. 2008. “Putting Social Context into Text: The Semiotics of Email Interaction.” American Journal of Sociology. 114: 332-70.

Tian, Xiaoli. 2016. “Parasocial interaction in the internet era: a sociological analysis of online literature in China.” Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences). 31 (1): 173-181.

Tian, Xiaoli (with Han Xiaoyan). 2015. “(Immediate Context, Culture, and Selective Attention: The Perceptions of Long-term Petitioners).” Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences). 30 (1): 59-67.

Tian, Xiaoli (with Han Xiaoyan) 2016. “制度、文化、与日常确证——外来移民及其子女的情景性身份认同Institution, Culture, and Corroboration of Everyday Life – Situational Identification of Migrants and their Children in Urban China.” 清华大学学报 (哲学社会科学)Journal of Tsinghua University (Philosophy and Social Sciences). 31(6): 175-182.

Book chapter:

Li, Qian and Xiaoli Tian. 2022. “The Presence, Performance, and Publics of Online Interactions.” Oxford Handbook of Symbolic Interaction, edited by Wayne Brekhus, Thomas DeGloma and William Force. Oxford University Press.

Tian, Xiaoli and Yui Fung Yip. 2021. “Physical Co-presence and Distinctive Features of Online Interactions.” in The Routledge International Handbook of Interactionism, edited by Dirk vom Lehn, Natalia Ruiz-Junco, and Will Gibson. London, Routledge.

Tian, Xiaoli and Qian Li. 2021. “Facework on Chinese Social Media.” In The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Digital Media. Edited by Sarah Sobieraj and Deana Rohlinger. Oxford University Press. ​

Tian, Xiaoli. 2019. “Fantasy is More Believable: The Shadow Civil Sphere in Chinese Online Fiction.” Pp. 167-187 in The Civil Sphere in East Asia. Edited by Jeffrey Alexander, David Palmer, Sunwoong Park and Agnes Shuk-mei Ku. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Tian, Xiaoli. 2017. “Face-work on Social Media: The Presentation of Self on Renren and Facebook.” Chinese Social Media Today: Social, Cultural, and Political Implications. Edited by Mike Kent, Katie Ellis and Jian Xu. London: Routledge.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Xiaoli Tian


Wang, P. & Lin, Wanlin (forthcoming), Extralegal Governance: The Social Order of Illegal Markets in China. Cambridge Studies in Economics, Choice, and Society. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Wang, P. (2017) The Chinese Mafia: organized crime, corruption and extra-legal protection. Clarendon Studies in Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

–Winner, The Social Sciences Outstanding Research Output Awards 2016-2017 for Basic Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

Journal articles:

Zhang, X., & Wang, P. (2024). “The politics of higher education in China: the signal–response mechanism, downward tiered pressure escalation, and the Double First-Class University Initiative.” Comparative Education, accepted. (Corresponding and co-first author)

Wang, J., & Wang, P. (2024). “Campaign-style law enforcement in China: Causes and consequences.” Journal of Criminology, (Corresponding and co-first author)

Zhang, X., & Wang, P. (2024). “Research misconduct in China: towards an institutional analysis.” Research Ethics,

This article is featured in Nature news with the DOI: Additionally, it is highlighted in a Science Commentary:

Lin, W., Wang, P., and Yuan, M. (2023). "Governing the knowledge commons: Hybrid relational–contractual governance in china’s mining industry." World Development 172: 106376. (Corresponding author)

Wang, P., & Kwok, S. I. (2023). "Hong Kong triads: the historical and political evolution of urban criminal polity, 1842–2020." Urban History, 50(3), 445-467.

Ruan, J., & Wang, P. (2023). "Elite Capture and Corruption: The Influence of Elite Collusion on Village Elections and Rural Land Development in China." The China Quarterly, 253, 107-122. (Corresponding author)

Jiang, A., & Wang, P. (2022). "Governance and informal economies: informality, uncertainty and street vending in China." The British Journal of Criminology, 62(6), 1431-1453. (Corresponding author)

Wang, P., Su, M., & Wang, J. (2021). ‘Organized crime in cyberspace: How traditional organized criminal groups exploit the online peer-to-peer lending market in China.’ The British Journal of Criminology61(2), 303-324.

Wang, P., Joosse, P., & Cho, L. L. (2020). “The Evolution of Protest Policing in a Hybrid Regime”. The British Journal of Criminology. 60(6), 1523-1546. (2021 American Sociological Association Global and Transnational Sociology Best Scholarly Article Award – Honorable Mention)

Wang, Peng (2020). “How to engage in illegal transactions: Resolving risk and uncertainty in corrupt dealings”. The British Journal of Criminology. 60(5),1282–1301.

Wang, Peng (2020). “Politics of crime control: How campaign-style law enforcement sustains authoritarian rule in China”. The British Journal of Criminology. 60(2), 422–443.

Wang, Peng & Xia Yan (2020). “Bureaucratic slack in China: The anti-corruption campaign and the decline of patronage networks in developing local economies”. The China Quarterly. 243, 611-634.

Varese, Federico, Peng Wang & Rebecca Wing Yee Wong (2019). “‘Why Should I Trust You with My Money?’: Credible Commitments in the Informal Economy in China”. The British Journal of Criminology. 59(3), 594-613.

Li, L. & Wang, P. (2019). “From Institutional Interaction to Institutional Integration: The National Supervisory Commission and China’s New Anti-corruption Model”. The China Quarterly. 240, 967–989. (corresponding author)

Wang, P. & Wang, J (2018). “How China promotes its military officers: Interactions between formal and informal institutions”. The China Quarterly. 234, 399-419.

Wang, P. & Cho, L. F. & Li, R. (2018). “An Institutional Explanation of Media Corruption in China”. Journal of Contemporary China. 27(113), 748-762.

Wang, P. (2016). “Military Corruption in China: The role of guanxi in the buying and selling of military positions”. The China Quarterly. 228. 970-991.

Wang, P. & Antonopoulos, G. (2016). “Organized crime and illegal gambling: How Do Illegal Gambling Enterprises Respond to the Challenges Posed by Their Illegality in China?”. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology. 49 (2), 258-280.

Skarbek D. & Wang, P. (2015). “Criminal Rituals”. Global Crime. 16(4), 288-305.

Wang, P. (2014). “Extra-legal protection in China: How guanxi distorts China’s legal system and facilitates the rise of unlawful protectors”. The British Journal of Criminology. 54 (4). 809-830.

Wang, P. & Blancke, S. (2014). “Mafia State: The Evolving Threat of North Korean Narcotics Trafficking”. The RUSI Journal. 159 (5). 52-59.

Broadhurst, R. & Wang, P. (2014). “After the Bo Xilai Trial: Does Corruption Threaten China’s Future?”. Survival: Global Politics and Strategy. 56 (3). 157-178.

王鵬(著),李曉敏(譯),‘中國經濟改革與法外保護興起’《新制度經濟學評論》第26卷, 第166~189頁。被人大複印資料《理論經濟學》2014年第8期全文轉載。

Wang, P. (2013). “The Increasing Threat of Chinese Organised Crime: National, Regional and International Perspectives”. The RUSI Journal. 158 (4). 6-18.

Wang, P. (2013). “The Rise of the Red Mafia in China: A Case Study of Organised Crime and Corruption in Chongqing”. Trends in Organized Crime. 16 (1). 49-73.

Wang, P. (2011). “The Chinese Mafia: Private Protection in a Socialist Market Economy”. Global Crime. 12 (4). 290-311.

Book chapters:

Wang, P., Joosse, P., & Cho, L. L. (2023), "The End of Soft-Style Protest Policing in a Hybrid Regime Evidence from Hong Kong," in Weitseng Chen and Hualing Fu (eds.), Regime Type and Beyond: The Transformation of Police in Asia, pages 316–342, Cambridge University Press.

Wang, P. (2019) ‘Red Mafia’, in Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology (2nd Edition). London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Wang, P. (2015). Organized Crime in a Transitional Economy: The Resurgence of the Criminal Underworld in Contemporary China. G. Barak (Ed.). Routledge International Handbook on the Crimes of the Powerful. Pages 401-11. Routledge.

See all publications in HKU Scholars Hub →

Prof Peng Wang

Liying Luo and Lai Wei. "For Whom Does Education Convey Health Benefits? A Two-Generation Life Course Approach." Forthcoming,  Journal of Health and Social Behavior

Lai Wei. "When the Wall is Broken: Rural-to-Urban Migration, Perceived Inequality, and Subjective Social Status in China." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility82 (2022): 100731.

Lai Wei, Elaine Yao, and Han Zhang. "Authoritarian Responsiveness and Political Attitudes during COVID-19: Evidence from Weibo and a Survey Experiment." Chinese Sociological Review (2021): 1-37.

Prof Lai Wei

Curtis, David S., Fuller, Thomas E., Carlson, Daniel L., Wen, Ming & Kramer, Michael R. (2022). Does a rising median income lift all birth weights? County median income changes and low birth weight rates among births to black and white mothers. The Milbank Quarterly. Vol. 100, 38-77. Published, 03/01/2022.…

Wen, Ming & Gu, Danan (2021). Living arrangements and disability among older adults in China. China: An International Journal. Vol. 19, 132-147. Published, 08/09/2021.

Wen, Ming & Ren, Qiang (2021). Cognitive and psychological health implications of living alone among middle-aged and older adults in China. Asian Population Studies. Vol. 17, 181-200. Published, 02/11/2021.…

Wen, Ming, Wang, Weidong, Wan, Neng & Su, Dejun (2020). Family income and student educational and cognitive outcomes in China: Exploring the material and psychosocial mechanisms. Social Sciences. Vol. 9, 225. Published, 11/18/2020.

Wen, Ming, Ren, Qiang, Korinek, Kim & Trinh, Ha N. (2019). Living in skipped generation households and happiness among middle-aged and older grandparents in China. Social Science Research. Vol. 80, 145-155. Published, 01/11/2019.

Wen, Ming, Fan, Jessie X., Kowaleski-Jones, Lori & Wan, Neng (2018). Rural-urban disparities in obesity in the United States: The role of individual and neighborhood factors. American Journal of Health Promotion. Vol. 32, 400-408. Published, 02/08/2018.

Wen, Ming (2017). Social capital and adolescent substance use: The role of family, school and neighborhood contexts. Journal of Research on Adolescence. Vol. 27, 362-378. Published, 01/17/2017.

Wen, Ming & Kowaleski-Jones, Lori (2012). Sex and ethnic differences in validity of self-reported adult height, weight and body mass index. Ethnicity and Disease. Vol. 22, 72-78. Published, 01/2012.

Wen, Ming & Gu, Danan (2011). The effects of childhood, adulthood, and community socioeconomic status on healthy longevity among older people in China. Demography. Vol. 48, 153-181. Published, 02/2011.…

Wen, Ming & Maloney, Thomas (2011). Latino residential isolation and the risk of obesity in Utah: The role of neighborhood socioeconomic, built-environmental, and subcultural context. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Vol. 13, 1134-1141. Published, 02/2011.…

Wen, Ming, Browning, Christopher r. & Cagney, Kathleen A. (2003). Poverty, affluence, and income inequality: Neighborhood economic structure and its implications for health. Social Science & Medicine. Vol. 57, 843-860. Published, 09/15/2003.

Prof Ming Wen

*: Xu is corresponding author

#: post-doc/graduate student coauthor

Song, Xinmiao# and Duoduo Xu*. Forthcoming. “More Graduates, Fewer   Skills? Vocational Education Expansion and Skilled Labour Shortages in China.”   The China Quarterly, In Press.

Xu, Duoduo*, Jiao Guo#, Karen Ka Han Li#, and Lucy P. Jordan. Forthcoming. “Who Cares? Childcare   Support and Women’s Labor Supply in Hong Kong.” Chinese   Sociological Review, Online First.

Xu, Duoduo* and Jiao Guo#   (equal authorship). 2023. “In Sight, In Mind:   Spatial Proximity to Protest Sites and Changes in Peoples’ Political   Attitudes.” British Journal of Sociology, 74(1):   83-104

Xu, Duoduo*, Shuheng Jin#, Ngai   Pun, Jiao Guo#, and Xiaogang Wu. 2022. “The Scarring Effect of First Job Precarity: New Evidence   from a Panel Study in Hong Kong.” Work,   Employment and Society, Online First.

  • Best Paper Award, Hong Kong Sociological   Association, 2023

Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu.   2022. “Separate and Unequal: Hukou, School   Segregation, and Educational Inequality in Urban China.” Chinese   Sociological Review, 54(5), 433-457.

Jin, Shuheng#, Tianzhu Nie#, Ngai Pun, and Duoduo   Xu*. 2022. “Spatial Mismatch, Different Labor Markets   and Precarious Employment: The Case of Hong Kong.Social   Indicators Research, 161(1): 51-73.

Xu, Duoduo* and Xiaogang Wu.   2021. “From Political Power to Personal Wealth:   Privatization and Elite Opportunity in Post-Reform China.Journal   of Contemporary China, 30(132):993-1013.

Chen, Juan, Duoduo Xu  and Xiaogang Wu. 2019. “Seeking Help for Mental   Health Problems in Hong Kong: The Role of Family.” Administration and Policy in Mental Health   and Mental Health Services Research, 46(2):220-237.

Zhang, Zhuoni, Tianzhu Nie# and Duoduo Xu. 2019.   “Family Background,   Parenting Practices, and Child Outcomes: Chinese Immigrants’ Offspring in   Hong Kong.” Chinese Journal of Sociology,   5(3), 263-282.

Xu, Duoduo*, Xiaogang Wu, Zhuoni Zhang and Jaap   Dronkers. 2018. “Not A Zero-Sum Game: Migration and Child Well-being in Contemporary   China.” Demographic   Research, 38(26), 691-726.

Xu, Duoduo*. 2018. “From Poverty to Prosperity: College Education, Non-cognitive Abilities,   and First-job Earnings.” Chinese Sociological Review, 50(1), 53-82.

  • Kerckhoff Award, International Sociological   Association Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (ISA-RC28),   2016

Xu, Duoduo and Xiaogang   Wu. 2017. “The Rise of the Second   Generation: Aspirations, Motivations and Academic Success of Chinese   Immigrants’ Children in Hong Kong.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(7), 1164-1189.

Xu, Duoduo* and Jaap Dronkers.   2016. “Migrant Children in Shanghai: A Research   Note on the PISA-Shanghai Controversy.” Chinese   Sociological Review, 48(3), 271-295.

Prof Duoduo Xu
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