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Culture, Theory, and Religion

This research cluster focuses on the cultural and theoretical dimensions of social phenomena. As culturally-inclined sociologists, we are invested in the study of meaning. In their respective work, faculty treat culture both as a topic of study (e.g., popular culture, media) as well as a more general aspect of social life (e.g., cultural symbols, values, knowledge, and practices). Because of the latter, we are also theoretically minded; applying and developing theoretical concepts, propositions, and frameworks to improve our understanding of the social world. This cluster is pluralistic in scope; we are open to and invested in a variety of theoretical traditions, genres of theoretical work, units of cultural analysis, and research topics. However, religion is a topic of particular interest for our faculty, as are the meanings and messages distributed through media.

Research Projects

Ongoing Research Project

Principal Investigator

The Interdisciplinary Diffusion of Sociology

Value, policy and infrastructure: Hong Kong's Web3 visions and experimental futures

Chinese Modernity and Soft Power on the Belt and Road (Hosted by: HKIHSS)

Rituals and Manuscripts of the Lanten Yao (Laos) (Hosted by: HKIHSS)

Chinese Thought and Global Civilization (Hosted by: HKIHSS)

Global Chinese Orders (Hosted by: HKIHSS)

Culture, Commerce, and Sustainability: Community Engagement and ESG Risk Mitigation for Chinese Enterprises in the Global South (Hosted by: FoSS)

Passivity as Posture in Social Interaction: How Chinese workers manage workplace power hierarchy

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